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Here are the best days to fly to avoid delays, according to experts



Here are the best days to fly to avoid delays, according to experts

If you want your flight to go smoothly, don’t just wing it — put a little planning into your trip. 

For example — nearly 20% of flights in 2024 were delayed, according to the U.S. Bureau of Transportation Statistics, a statistic that has the potential to seriously cramp your style, the next time you’re looking to get out of town.

All’s not lost, however — according to AAA, when you fly can have a great impact on how likely you are to be held back, possibly missing a crucial connection. Below, find out the best days to fly, plus other pro tips — just in time for the summer rush.

Arriving a few hours early to the airport is always a good idea. KOTO –

Booking tips for easy traveling

Fridays and Sundays are busy travel days, and because of this, airplanes might be lining up and waiting for takeoff, which delays other airplanes scheduled to land. When one plane is late to land, it’ll also be late traveling to its next stop, which can create a string of delayed flights.

AAA recommends flying on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays, when airports are less busy and when you’re also more likely to get a deal on flights. 

Taking the first flight of the day can also ensure you’ll avoid a delay, since nighttime flights are less common than daytime flights and the plane is likely ready for you to board. 

Knowing when to book your flight can save you some time. Getty Images

If you do happen to get a cancellation or delay, you’ll also have more flight options throughout the day to get you to your destination. Your next best flight option would be to take another morning flight. 

Booking nonstop is best since as many as one in five flights are delayed, and adding stops to your trip increases the likelihood of hitting roadblocks. 

The experts advised that if you must fly with a connection, it’s ideal to leave yourself two hours on domestic flights and three hours on International flights. 

Also, consider the weather and climate when booking connecting flights so you can avoid potential snowstorms or heat waves. 

There are certain apps you can use to track flights. william87 –

Use technology to your advantage 

Can’t decide on what airline or airport to choose? There are websites like OAG Aviation that can help you determine which ones are the most on time. 

Their annual review found that only one U.S. Airline, Delta Airlines, was in the top 20 for punctuality. Trailing behind Delta for best airlines were Alaska Airlines, United Airlines and American Airlines. 

The best U.S airports were Minneapolis, Detroit, Tucson, Boise and Salt Lake City. 

There’s also an app you can use called FlightAware that lets you know the departure and arrival times for flights over a three-month period, which might help you make more informed flight decisions in the future. 

Getting to the airport early can make sure you don’t miss your flight and that your luggage gets on too. Lubo Ivanko –

Be early 

Are you the best man at your friend’s wedding?

Arriving at your destination a day or two before you need to be there can give a bit of wiggle room, should delays, strikes, or staffing shortages impact your journey. 

Experts also advised people to arrive at the airport at least two hours early for domestic flights and three hours for international flights.

Be advised that even if you’re late but still are able to board your flight, your luggage may not make it on board with you. 

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