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Town of Narrows looks to bring in outdoor recreation business to boost business



Town of Narrows looks to bring in outdoor recreation business to boost business

NARROWS, Va. – Highlighting outdoor recreation in the New River Valley, the Town of Narrows is looking to capitalize on its unique location perfect for hiking, biking and getting out on the water.

“Narrows is really situated ideally for outdoor recreation,” Terry Nicholson, town manager for Narrows said. “The idea, really, is to get somebody who can come in and operate a business that kind of feeds into those kinds of opportunities here in town to do outdoor recreation.”

Located just off Wolf Creek, Nicholson tells us this spot could be great for a business.

“It’s an ideal location for an outfitter, so people can do kayaking that kind of thing on the creek or on the river,” Nicholson said.

He said the hope is to bring in a business to promote outdoor recreation in the area, and with success drive more businesses in town.

“We’ve looked at how this drives the economy,” Nicholson said. “There are all kinds of opportunities for improving the life in town through the outdoor recreation attracting businesses here.”

Behind the potential business, they have recently added a trail for people to hike and enjoy the creek.

“This goes directly towards the creek and then follows the creek all the way to our primitive campground, which is right on the New River,” Nicholson said.

After talking to the town manager and seeing what the possibilities could be, I met up with a Narrows local who is an avid outdoorsman.

“I started paddling, mountain biking, and trail running, and [I] figured out I lived in paradise my whole life and didn’t even know it,” Ralph Robertson said.

He said Narrows is the perfect spot for any level of outdoorsman.

“We got the trails, the river, the creeks,” Robertson said. “I mean, we got it all right here. This right here is just a family-friendly place.”

This is all part of the town’s recent revitalization efforts.

Nicholson said they expect lots of applicants for the potential business.

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