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A Happy Travel Coincidence



A Happy Travel Coincidence

Today my book tour event is in Boulder, Colorado (6:30! At the First Congregational Church! Here are the details), which meant that I would be flying into Denver’s airport. And who else was flying into Denver’s airport today, connecting through to California to visit friends? Why, Krissy, as it happens! Our flights landed within ten minutes of each other, so I got to spend a whole 40 or so minutes with her until she boarded her connecting flight. Which might not seem like a lot, but it was 40 more minutes than I was expecting to be able to spend with her at all until next week, when we are both back at home.

Which is to say those 40 minutes were the best 40 minutes of my tour so far. Not that all of you who have come to the tour aren’t great — you totally are. But, you know: Krissy. Also, she was happy to see me, too. So I had that going for me.

Boulder tonight, then a travel day tomorrow, and then on Saturday, I’ll be at the inaugural Bainbridge Book Festival, on Bainbridge Island. If you’re in the area, come take the ferry and see me and a bunch of other authors. It’ll be fun.

— JS

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