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AASB shuffles business office



AASB shuffles business office


With outgoing Business Manager Camilla Houy’s retirement looming in December, the Altoona Area School Board established its vision for the district’s business office moving forward during a meeting Monday.

By a roll call vote, the board approved Sue Franks, the district’s current business operations director, to be the new business manager, effective Nov. 1, and realigned its business office staff.

Franks’ contract will see her serving in the role through June 30, 2030. She will receive a prorated salary of $125,000 from Nov. 1 through June 30 with a set raise each year. By 2030, her salary is estimated to be $144,912, according to the contract, which states the board can award merit-based salary increases at any point.

Franks said one of the district’s primary objectives this year is to encourage students and staff members to “write their story” and approach every day as a blank page with an opportunity to develop their stories.

Franks, who joined Altoona Area in 2017, said she plans to do that by being involved in the community and by encouraging the district to use more community vendors.

“I’d like to see what we can do to keep the community involved,” Franks said. “We’re all part of the same thing.”

Superintendent Brad Hatch smiled upon learning of Franks’ goal to help others write their story. He said the approach allows people to get to know one another.

“That’s how we engage. That’s how we motivate students to be part of the educational process,” Hatch said, noting the district is “super fortunate” to have Franks in the position so she can learn from Houy over the next two months.

Houy said she plans to make the transition “as smooth as possible.” In private, Houy told Franks she would make herself available for questions at any point past her retirement. Franks jokingly said the district should retain Houy as a “free agent.”

Houy said Franks is preparing the 2024-25 budget and “will keep the district moving forward full force” in the coming years.

Hatch said Franks “has a wide range of talents” and a strong work ethic.

“She’s exactly the kind of person we need to lead our business department over the next 15 years,” Hatch said.

Business office realigned

As part of the realignment, Stacy Lovrich will serve as the district’s tax office manager. Her job description was updated to include responsibilities related to Magisterial District Court appearances and management of delinquent accounts. Lovrich received a pay rate change from $71,080.30 to $75,000.

Tracy Blattenberger will serve as the district’s benefits coordinator — a job description that was updated to include responsibilities for health insurance billing, additional segments of plan administration and administration of open enrollment. Blattenberger received a pay rate change from $56,650 to $65,000.

Britni Colombo will serve as the district’s assistant business manager of finance. Her job description was updated to include supervision of accounts payable activities and supervision of the district’s assistant computer operator. Colombo received a pay rate change from $78,676.34 to $80,000.

Mallary Hainzey’s job title was changed from administrative assistant to purchasing coordinator. Hainzey received an annual pay rate change from $43,738.91 to $50,000.

While the board unanimously approved Franks’ contract, board Vice President Kelly Irwin Adams opposed the district’s realignment of its business office. Irwin Adams attended the meeting virtually and cited concerns for reviewing salary raises for her opposition.

Irwin Adams said she “genuinely” appreciates all of the district’s “exceptional” employees but is opposed to “cherry-picking” certain positions and giving people raises.

“I feel uncomfortable making the decision to give certain people raises without myself reviewing all the positions in the department and feeling comfortable with who we are providing raises to and who we are not,” Irwin Adams said.

Board member David Francis responded, saying the district has a superintendent and a business manager to tell board members who is performing well.

“It’s just a matter of who you believe and who you trust, and I trust my administration,” Francis said, noting many of the district’s business office employees “are being paid less than districts our size and they’ve done an excellent job.”

Francis said the district is saving money by reorganizing its business office and that the salary increases were “all warranted.”

The board also voted to replace the business operations director position with an assistant business manager of student services position but did not fill the vacancy.

Franks said the district will conduct interviews this week and next week to fill the position.

Franks said the district’s business office has a great team.

“I’m excited to work with the people we have and go forward,” she said.

Mirror Staff Writer Matt Churella is at 814-946-7520.

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