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After-school sports & activities suspended at Jackson Middle School



After-school sports & activities suspended at Jackson Middle School

A South Bend Principal is calling a time-out for after-school sports and activities for the next 3 weeks because of frequent fighting at Jackson Middle School.

On Friday, the school was on lockdown after a student was accused of assaulting an employee.

According to an email from the principal, South Bend Police detained the student, and the employee is receiving medical attention.

WSBT talked with Jackson Middle School’s Principal about his decision. He is now setting the record straight.

After reports of students fighting with other students, teachers, and staff, Jackson Middle School’s Principal Jory Hardman made the decision to suspend after-school activities, including sports, for 3 weeks.

The suspension could be shorter, according to the school’s Athletic Director.

During this time, students will be meeting on Tuesdays and Thursdays for team building, conditioning, and studying.

Hardman said there have been behaviors and disruptions that they’re working getting a handle on, but he’s not aware of any specific reason these altercations have happened.

He said it could be social media, communication or a “beef” between students.

Hardman said the decision was necessary.

“It was not an easy choice, obviously, but that we’re all in this together, that we move as one Jackson family, so that we can continue to grow together, and as we come on the other side of this, we can finish out the last 170 days of school on a positive, strong note,” said Jory Hardman, Principal.

One parent, who asked to remain anonymous, said he’s concerned about how the situations have been handled.

He said he went to pick his student up from school Monday to find at least 10 South Bend Police cars with officers.

“To see that many officers running up to doors and, you know, with their vests on, with pepper spray guns exposed, you know, they weren’t drawn, but they were, they were visible. I’m just very surprised,” said the anonymous parent.

After asking Hardman about the police presence, he said Jackson and South Bend Police work together in partnership, and the officers are there to make sure students are safe at dismissal time.

“We welcome their partnership with us to just be a presence, nothing in particular of specific incidents or anything that occurred at the school or after school, but welcoming them in as a resource, just to be present around the building and around the South side,” said Hardman.

Principal Hardman said he believes the 3 week suspension will help students reset for the school year ahead.

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