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AI-powered Minecraft runs without a game engine — game rendered in real-time at a continuous 20 FPS



AI-powered Minecraft runs without a game engine — game rendered in real-time at a continuous 20 FPS

In the “apparently” post-copyright age of AI PCs, yet another AI company has introduced a shameless playable ripoff of an actual, copyrighted video game— now it’s DecartAI’s Oasis world model and Minecraft, with resolution and framerate more characteristic of Nintendo 64 games like Ocarina of Time (20 FPS, 360p) than any modern port of Minecraft.

Even fan ports to platforms like the GameCube and Dreamcast run better than this! Add numerous AI hallucinations that render truly complex gameplay unfeasible, including a complete lack of object permanence to the point that even digging a hole drops you back above ground, and NO environmental fixtures are permanent, and one wonders why anyone would want to play a survival-building RPG in these conditions.

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