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AMD’s ‘Sinkclose’ vulnerability affects hundreds of millions of processors, enables data theft — AMD begins patching issue in critical chip lines, more to follow



AMD’s ‘Sinkclose’ vulnerability affects hundreds of millions of processors, enables data theft — AMD begins patching issue in critical chip lines, more to follow

‘Sinkclose’ is the name of a recently discovered major security vulnerability that affects virtually all of AMD’s processors released since 2006. This flaw allows attackers to deeply infiltrate a system, making it extremely difficult to detect or remove malicious software. The issue is so severe that, in some cases, it may be easier to abandon an infected machine than to repair it, reports Wired

There is good news, though: since it has not been discovered for 18 years, it likely hasn’t been used. Also, AMD is patching its platforms to protect them, though not all affected processors have received a patch yet.  

Sinkclose evades antiviruses and persists even after OS reinstall

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