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Anderson records 100% pro-small business NFIB score



Anderson records 100% pro-small business NFIB score

Illinois State Sen. Neil Anderson received a perfect score on the National Federation of Independent Business’ (NFIB) 2023-2024 scorecard.

Neil Anderson

The Andalusia Republican lawmaker voted 100% of the time in favor of the small businesses NFIB supports on eight key bills impacting small businesses that were introduced in the 103rd General Assembly, according to NFIB.

“Small businesses are the lifeblood of our communities, and they are under increasing pressure from policies coming out of Springfield,” said Mr. Anderson said in a news release. “These locally owned businesses provide good jobs that sustain our local economies. I am proud to stand with them and will continue to fight for them.”

“Senator Anderson racked up a 100% small-business voting record this past legislative session,” said NFIB Illinois State Director Noah Finley. “He understands that Main Street businesses are essential to our local communities and has stood up against harmful regulations and governmental mandates that put small businesses at a disadvantage in today’s global economy.”

Score based on 8 votes

Mr. Anderson earned the rating based on “no” votes on seven bills. They included measures that would create new requirements for job postings, increase the cost of day and temporary labor and expand work subject to the Prevailing Wage Act. 

He also voted “yes” on a bill that would require the Illinois Department of Commerce Economic Opportunity to complete a report of all state-funded job training and workforce development programs. NFIB supported the bill. NFIB ranking said it would better identify existing resources devoted to closing the workforce skills gap.

Click here to read a summary of all bills included in the rankings.

NFIB is the voice of small business, It advocates behalf of America’s small and independent business owners in Washington, D.C. and  all 50 states. NFIB is nonprofit and nonpartisan. Find out more about the NFIB and view every Illinois legislator’s voting record on NFIB bill rankings, here.

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