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Aquarius Horoscope Today: September 27, 2024



Aquarius Horoscope Today: September 27, 2024


Here’s something to remember as you move through eclipse season: your subconscious mind is a powerful tool, constantly working behind the scenes to shape your reality. Vague desires will lead to vague results, though. So, set some time aside to clarify your intentions and get specific about your needs and wants. That said, you’re also being guided to tap into the power of creative visualisation. Imagine every detail as if it’s already happening and create a vision board that supports the given dream. Here’s a quote from “The Power of Your Subconscious Mind” by Joseph Murphy: “Your subconscious mind is a powerful instrument that will shape your reality according to the beliefs and impressions you give it.” 

Cosmic tip: It’s time to get in alignment, wild one!


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