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Astrologers Say This Week’s Solar Eclipse Will Bring A Fresh Start For All Signs



Astrologers Say This Week’s Solar Eclipse Will Bring A Fresh Start For All Signs

On Wednesday, October 2 at 2:49 p.m. EST, the new moon solar eclipse rises in the skies of the zodiac sign Libra, where it will be visible in Chile, Argentina, and parts of the Pacific Ocean. Aside from being an awe-inspiring celestial event to witness, this eclipse might make you realize you’re at a major turning point in your personal development journey. So, if you’re feeling a sense of urgency, your intuition is spot-on—and you’re definitely not alone.

Every single zodiac sign is now experiencing a certain degree of excitement and exhilaration as significant life chapters end and, simultaneously, new storylines emerge. While in astrology, not everything is written in the stars (due to, of course, the universal and natural law of free will), solar eclipses do bring a “fated or destined” energy, mixing the past with the present and the future. During the days surrounding any solar eclipse, people tend to experience an incredible amount of life activity as new people, jobs, projects, priorities, and even ways of being and thinking begin to arrive.

Solar eclipses often mark the opening of doors and long-term pathways. But the interesting part is, you won’t feel these shifts in exactly the same way that your friends or family members do. Each one of you will experience different events, feelings, thoughts, and even sensations in the upcoming days. However, when comparing experiences, you might notice an underlying theme that unites your stories, regardless of your zodiac signs.

What will the new moon solar eclipse in Libra bring?

For one door to open, another one needs to close. The October 2 new moon solar eclipse marks the end of a major journey that involved doing some deep work in your personal life. As the seventh sign of the zodiac wheel, Libra deals with relationships of all kinds—romantic, professional, and social. After beginning in the summer of 2023, this process reached its peak during past eclipse dates (October 14, 2023, and March 24, 2024), and will begin to culminate now (October 2), only to end fully in January 2025.

If you are one of many who broke up with a partner, a best friend, an acquaintance, or even a business client—know that you’re not the only one! It’s been a year and a half of breakups, downfalls, and karmic adjustments within social circles. At a much deeper level, this has been the universe’s way of inspiring you to experience more balanced and fair connections, ensuring the give-and-take is even-keeled—after all, Libra is also about fairness and justice. While this hasn’t been an easy ride, it has created space for you to form newer, more aligned connections.

In short, the influence of the October 2 new moon solar eclipse in Libra should help you do both things: end relationships that aren’t working for you, while also setting the stage for new ones to emerge.

New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra Horoscopes

You don’t need to be a Libra to be affected by or benefit from this solar eclipse—but if you happen to have any planets or astrological points in Libra (like your rising, Moon, Venus, Mars, or Saturn), you might feel the effects of this eclipse more potently.

To figure out how this eclipse will affect you, look at the area of your life ruled by Libra in your birth chart. Below are your October 2 solar eclipse horoscopes—read your rising sign for the best accuracy, and your Sun sign for extra advice.


Your eclipse message, Aries: Everything was meant to happen the way it did. You’re ending a cycle that might have involved removing people from your life—or, at least, this cycle has transformed the way you relate to others. What you’re in for now is another goodbye, or at least the negotiation of some of the terms of a relationship, whether it’s a romantic or sexual one, a platonic friendship, or even a business arrangement. You’re almost there, so keep going!


Change has been afoot in your professional life since summer 2023, Taurus. And at this eclipse, you might have to remain flexible one last time as deadlines or commitments continue to fluctuate, with some projects ending and others beginning. After all, learning to go with the flow has been one of your massive lessons over the past year. Luckily, these ups and downs are soon coming to an end, so you can return to your beloved routine once 2025 arrives.


What was the state of your love life back in the summer of 2023, and how is it now? If you’ve been single, it’s likely that you had a few romances that fizzled as soon as they sizzled. But don’t worry, Gemini, you have not lost your mojo! Simply put, your approach to romance is changing. During this eclipse, give yourself the space to go back in time to figure out why this transformation needed to happen. And if you’re in a long-term relationship or marriage, this eclipse is about finding refreshing avenues to experience fun moments together. Harness this energy by breaking your routine, visiting new places and seeking out-of-the-ordinary experiences.


If you’ve experienced changes in your home life or family within the past fifteen months, you’re arriving at the end of what might have been, at times, a challenging journey. On the flip side, you’ve most likely unearthed information and feelings about your childhood, releasing emotional baggage that was (even if you weren’t aware of it) blocking your natural flow of energy. This is a time to take care of yourself, dear Cancer.


Your thoughts—or at least the way you express them—could have felt scattered for some time now; it’s like you’ve been living through a perpetual Mercury retrograde. Jokes aside, the low confidence you might have felt when it comes to understanding others (or conveying your own thoughts) is ending soon, Leo. After this eclipse and especially come February, you will be able to communicate more effectively as exciting ideas and new avenues of self-expression begin to emerge.


If your income has been up and down in the past year and a half, Virgo, this eclipse might bring one last monetary or budget adjustment. The good news is that you’ve learned to spend only on what truly matters—most likely, you’re becoming even more minimalist. This learning curve will come to an end as soon as mid-January arrives and your finances (and budget) become more balanced.


The bigger the shedding, the bigger the reward, Libra! Since the summer of 2023, you’ve been shedding old ways of relating to others, and even seeing yourself, too. It’s incredibly crucial right now to allow any stagnant habits, limiting beliefs, and relationships to leave your orbit. This eclipse marks your upcoming arrival at the finishing line, creating space for a new, stronger sense of identity to emerge once January arrives!


The past year been quite the spiritual journey for you, Scorpio, involving big endings, shocking epiphanies, and the release of karmic baggage from the past. You might feel a deep need to retreat, seeking space to connect with your intuition. As one last deep truth about who you’re becoming is revealed by this eclipse, you no longer fear your immense power. Pay attention to your dreams, as they hold the key to your future success.


Everyone’s friend list needs a clean-up once in a while—yes, even yours, Sagittarius. As this eclipse arrives, you might keep declining invitations to socialize and even participate in group gatherings or collaborations that no longer light your spark, and that’s okay. You might have also noticed a change on your list of “life dreams,” so don’t feel shy about erasing old desires so new ones can begin to emerge.


If you’ve been experiencing changes in your career, workplace, or workload, this eclipse marks your arrival at the finish line, Capricorn. This has not been an easy process for a career-oriented zodiac sign like you, but by January, you’ll notice that it brought your career where it needed to go. At a deeper level, you might want to review your long-term plans for success, as they might have shifted enormously.


As an intelligent sign, you own a pretty defined set of belief systems, but recent circumstances have required you to open your mind. In the end, both you and the world are changing at the rapidest speed, Aquarius. As you embrace this shift in life philosophy, you can expect one last “aha” moment in the form of an idea, flash of intuition, or discovered knowledge. Follow it, as it could lead you somewhere magical!


How did you feel about love, commitment, or intimacy a year and a half ago, Pisces? As you welcome October, take a moment to notice this massive shift. Chances are, the entire idea of merging your life with another person’s has transformed for you—and with it, some of your closest relationships have evolved, too. This October 2 eclipse is a game-changer concerning your desire to experience intimacy in a completely new, and even healthier way.

Narayana Montúfar is an astrologer, artist, and writer who finds inspiration in the symbolic language of astrology. She is the author of Moon Signs: Unlock Your Inner Luminary Power. Narayana currently serves as the Senior Astrologer of &, and her work has been featured in numerous lifestyle publications including Vogue, Teen Vogue, Refinery29, InStyle, Brit+Co, Bustle, PopSugar, Cosmpolitan, Romper, and more. She was also featured as one of’s Authority Magazine 2020’s Strong Female Leaders, Destig Magazine’s Top Artists to Collect in 2020, and one of Vogue’s 13 Astrologers to Follow in 2021.

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