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August Horoscopes 2024



August Horoscopes 2024


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August 1—15: Unexpected possibilities that spring up near the 1st and 2nd are telling you to be spontaneous. The new Moon in your sign on the 4th energizes you to begin a journey or a new endeavor, though with Mercury going out of sync on the 5th, some details won’t gel before the 28th. The 7th through the 14th holds sparkle and emotional release, so live it up a little, especially on the 14th.


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August 1—15: Privacy and self-care are accented near the 2nd and 4th. Heavenly Venus will enter your birth sign on the 5th, bringing more attention and affection your way in the weeks to come, but with your ruler, Mercury, turning retrograde, expect various information glitches as well. The 7th and 8th are good news days, and the 13th and 14th indicate that bold moves will pay off.


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August 1—15: The 2nd and 4th are days to reach out and expand your scope. Socially, more dazzle is in the air, but with Venus entering a hidden angle of your chart on the 5th and Mercury turning tail, you’ll need some quiet time to think things through. Whatever happens near the 7th and 8th will be a spirit-lifter, and the 13th and 14th hold confirmation that you’re on the right path.

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August 1—15: Follow your heart on the 2nd. Venus is in your favor, and the new Moon at the top of your chart on the 4th is all about going after new dreams. Bear in mind that Mercury, the detail plant, will go out of sync starting on the 5th, but meanwhile your social life will be sparked up by Venus in Virgo, and financial prospects will be enhanced by lucky Jupiter on the 14th.


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August 1—15: The new Moon of the 4th emphasizes your solar house of travel, distant contacts, and spiritual consciousness. With Venus rising to the zenith of your chart on the 5th and Mercury turning retrograde, your popularity and prospects are on the rise as well, but communications may be a bit skewed. The 8th holds a bit of magic, and the 13th and 14th feature both pressure and support from partners.


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August 1—15: Be spontaneous on the 1st and 2nd and you’ll be glad you rose to the occasion. The new Moon of the 4th accents financial possibilities and also activates dreams and psychic flashes, the 7th accents creativity and social pleasures, and the 8th holds energy around travel and distant contacts. Entertain and enjoy life more fully with Jupiter in your favor on the 13th and 14th.

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August 1—15: The new Moon of the 4th falls in your relationship angle, which brings an upbeat reset in your most important connections. Venus entering Virgo on the 5th accents joint finances and collaborations, but with Mercury turning retrograde on the 5th, details aren’t likely to cohere. Progress will be happening on the 7th and 8th, and the 14th accents social fun.


december 2021 horoscopes
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August 1—15: Don’t be afraid to assert your independence on the 2nd or put your energy into vital tasks near the new Moon of the 4th. The good news is that Venus, the planet of love, enters your relationship angle on the 5th, brightening all your connections. Ask for what you wish for with the planets in your favor near the 8th. Mars and Jupiter strongly accent home-related matters near the 13th, and 14th, though impulsive actions may lead to regrets.


december 2021 horoscopes
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August 1—15: Both Venus and the new Moon of the 4th urge you to follow your heart and live more fully. With Mercury, the detail planet, going out of sync on the 5th, you’ll be forced to let some things slide and to focus on the now. Still, aspects on the 8th bring happy results to whatever you’re trying to accomplish, and the 14th accents communication and pleasurable outings

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August 1—15: With the new Moon of the 4th at the base of your solar chart, lifestyle changes could happen. Venus enters Virgo on the 5th, harmonizing with your Sun and sweetening connections, and Jupiter, now in Gemini, accents financial moves and gains. The 7th and 8th are feel-good days, but with Mars on the scene on the 14th, try not to be too impulsive or overdo things.


november horoscope 2021
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August 1—15: Spontaneous meetings bring good results near the 2nd, and the new Moon in Leo on the 4th accents getaways and communication breakthroughs. With Venus entering Virgo on the 8th, try to focus more attention on close and especially familial relationships; rewards will follow. Mars now in your sign makes you more headstrong than usual, but it is time to assert your will.


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August 1—15: Expect the unexpected near the 2nd, and focus on financial gains and/or new arrangements on the 4th. Venus entering Virgo on the 5th means it’s time to speak up and put important feelings into words, and the 7th is a day when your ability to reach out and participate will open up your world. Mars in Gemini may bring demands from those who need support near the 14th.


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