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Australia Sets New Mandatory Classifications for Gambling-Like Games



Australia Sets New Mandatory Classifications for Gambling-Like Games

Australian authorities set new rules for classifying video games with gambling-like content that will come into effect on September 22. The new mandatory rules are designed to reduce the harm of gambling on Australian citizens, especially children.

According to the new regulations, computer games that contain in-game purchases linked to elements of chance, including paid loot boxes, must be labeled M (Mature), which means they are not recommended to children under 15 years old. Computer games that include simulated gambling must be restricted to adults and classified as R 18+. The changes will apply to games on multiple platforms, including computers, gaming consoles, phones, and tablets.

Games with chance-based mechanics that don’t use real-world currency to obtain rewards are not intended to be captured under the new regulations, as are games that feature casino settings but do not allow players to interact with gambling activities.

The scheme depicting the new restrictions for rating and consumer advice:

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