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Australia sets new rules for games with loot boxes and gambling-like content



Australia sets new rules for games with loot boxes and gambling-like content

  • Games with in-game purchases involving chance will be rated at least M, restricting them for players under 15

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Australia has implemented new classification rules for games that feature in-app purchases “with an element of chance” and “simulated gambling” content.

As reported by Vooks, Australia’s new “mandatory classifications” for games will go into effect from Sunday, September 22nd 2024. 

Games with in-game purchases involving chance will be rated at least M, restricting them for players under 15. 

Also, games with interactive simulated gambling will automatically receive an R18+ rating. This could include games where players can interact with slots machines in a casino, even if no real money is involved.

Non-interactive gambling elements are exempt in this rule. 

New classification rules

Games with chance-based mechanics or rewards, where real-world currency cannot be used to obtain those rewards, are not subject to the new classification rules. 

Similarly, games featuring casino settings, imagery, or themes which do not allow players to engage in interactive gambling activities are also exempt from these changes.

The new classification rules will apply only to games classified from September 22nd, 2024, onward. Existing games will not need reclassification unless they are revoked or modified.

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