Cinergy hosting night of comedy May 31 Cinergy Cinemas & Entertainment has announced the return of its Live Comedy Showcase – “Cinergy is Funny” – featuring...
Lim Sihyeon has become only the second archer in history to win four of their first five stages of the Hyundai Archery World Cup after beating...
It was recently reported that Bungie has won a lawsuit against Phoenix Digital (Aimjunkies) after alleging that the cheat provider infringed on a copyright. This is...
Curtis “50 Cent” Jackson announces new growth and development leader for G-Unit studios in Shreveport. As Louisiana continues to earn the spotlight this week, read more...
There’s a lot going right for New York City’s economy. Jobs are at an all-time high, housing demand is strong, and tourism is nearly back to...
I’m writing this on a ferry, going to Europe. Why Europe? Because every now and then I like to eat fruit and vegetables that aren’t rapidly...
Every Sunday, Claire Comstock-Gay reads the stars as Madame Clairevoyant and shares the weekly horoscope for each zodiac sign. Ashley and Mary-Kate Olsen, Geminis. Photo-Illustration: by...
Planet Fitness is once again inviting teens into its gyms this summer free of charge. Starting June 1, the nationwide chain will be offering a complimentary...
A Whole Lotta Snaking Going On “Why do you have a cutout of a snake on your front door?” Such was a pervasive query shortly before...
Lyft Hottest food city: Las Vegas Sin City has been burnishing its reputation as a foodie paradise ever since Wolfgang Puck opened a Spago next to...
Georgina Rodriguez goes shopping with kids. — Instagram@georginagio Cristiano Ronaldo’s girlfriend Georgina Rodriguez stepped out with her daughters for a Saturday shopping spree in Saudi Arabia’s...
Randle Chowning | Special to the News-Leader My guest this week on Poetry from Daily Life is Randle Chowning, who lives in Springfield, Missouri. He was...