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“Being a police officer is the best job in the world:” Officer Andrew Dotas eager to return



“Being a police officer is the best job in the world:” Officer Andrew Dotas eager to return

FARGO, N.D. (Valley News Live) – Officer Andrew Dotas looks forward to the day he is back at the Fargo Police Department.

“Being a police officer isn’t my full identity, but what I will say is that it is the best job in the world,” Officer Dotas said. “That is coming from a guy who got shot multiple times.”

Health officials said Officer Dotas was the most severely injured in the July 14 shooting.

The recovery process has not been easy. There have been setbacks, including a blood clot and high lead levels that led to an additional surgery.

“A lot of people probably saw the video of me leaving the hospital. I looked pretty normal,” Officer Dotas added. “What people did not see is that I lost 50 pounds. The moment I got in the car and back to the apartment, I needed to be in a wheelchair.”

Officer Dotas finds strength from those around him. Above all his family, wife, three-year-old son and his faith.

“I will scream it from the rooftops if I can that my faith is the reason I am where I am today and the reason I’m able to stay positive through some adversity. It is not fair of me to sit up here and say it has all been great,” Officer Dotas said. “There have been some really, really hard moments and big setbacks. When those things happen, I sit back and pray and understand there is a reason for everything.”

Officer Dotas may never know the reason for that July day. He does know why he will continue to wear the badge.

“There is no other job that I have ever worked, or that I can think of, where you can have such a ripple effect of impact on people. When I retire, I can look back and say I impacted and touched people’s lives,” Officer Dotas said. “That is all I want to do in this world.”

Officer Dotas has not set a date on when he plans to return. He is focused on getting to the healthiest point possible.

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