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Beyond Fitness: Are gyms evolving into grounds for hunting love?



Beyond Fitness: Are gyms evolving into grounds for hunting love?

The traditional purpose of gyms has undergone a significant transformation in recent years.

Once solely dedicated to physical fitness, some say gyms have evolved into multifaceted social arenas where both plutonic and romantic connections are forged, egos are stroked, and appearances are well, everything.

A growing number of gym-goers are not driven by the desire to break sweat or lose weight but rather improve their health.

In these settings, the treadmill has become the stage for subtle courtship rituals, and the free weights area becomes a battleground for vying for attention.

Others are there to simply admire those squatting and how “gunned” the weightlifters are.

Claire Wanjiru confided to the Star that her desire for men who frequent the gym pushed her there.

“I started going to the gym because I’m attracted to men who go there. I never found them out here so after deliberations, I decided to go to their place,” she said.

After a month of scouting, Wanjiru said her mission was accomplished as she was already flirting with several weight lifters.

“If you have seen a man who works out, you have to understand me. Being a petite babe there’s a particular feeling that comes with dating a man who can handle you well and these small men can’t do that,” she explained.

This is the story of many other ladies I talked to.

They simply go to gyms only to search for lovers or to admire the well-sculpted men frequenting the grounds.

Carolyne Mwende was in a pair of pink workout tights, a white sports bra and black sneakers when I stumbled on her on her gym ground.

She was set on her routine gym workout that she narrates has enabled her to see how plutonic and romantic connections can be forged.

While she is aware of many women who have stormed the gym area to scout for partners, Mwende says she has equally seen men who gym enthusiasts fancy being admired.

“I’ve seen them smile at it. And do that ego-fueled thing where they add weight to their rack. Some knowing full well they won’t be able to lift it,” she said.

Admiring the physiques of fellow gym members has become a pastime in itself.

And with social media platforms like TikTok and Instagram, this habit has been amplified.

Gym-goers have eagerly showcased their progress and physique transformations to garner likes and validation from their online audience.

Yet, amidst this social shift, the essence of the gym as a place for physical betterment persists.

For many, it remains a sanctuary for stress relief, self-improvement, and personal growth.

“I only ever went to the gym to cut weight and work on my mental health,” Ivy Atieno said.

“I honestly don’t get why you would pay that much money to just admire other people or look for boyfriends or girlfriends.”

Ivy maintained that there are still several people who have not turned the gym into a dating pool.

“It’s crazy you know. With all the sweat and all the squatting and lifting, how does anyone find that sexy?”

Brian said he has not had such an experience. His gym time is spent working out and toning his body.

At the same time, however, he admitted that it can be tempting to be in the gym.

“There are a lot of beautiful women, good-looking dudes and this can easily slide one into thinking they are in love but it is just lust. This is because of the kind of dressing people do when going to the gym,” he said.

“This, however, does not mean that you cannot find love in the gym.”

All the same, the communal aspect of the gym experience has undeniably expanded, blurring the lines between exercise space and social club.

This evolution raises questions about the true purpose of gyms in contemporary society.

Are they primarily fitness centres, social hubs, or a hybrid of both?

Should there be a greater emphasis on cultivating a supportive and inclusive environment for all members, regardless of their motivations for attending?

As the gym continues to evolve, it’s important to acknowledge and embrace the diverse reasons why people choose to participate.

Whether it’s for physical health, social connection, or simply the joy of admiring the human form, the modern gym reflects the multifaceted nature of human desires and aspirations.

Ultimately, it’s up to each individual to define what the gym means to them and how they choose to engage with its evolving culture.

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