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BoF Seeks Applicants for Fourth Annual Black Journalists Fellowship



BoF Seeks Applicants for Fourth Annual Black Journalists Fellowship

The Business of Fashion is launching the fourth iteration of the annual Next Generation Black Journalists Fellowship, a six-month, part-time, paid reporting and writing programme designed to train and publish aspiring Black writers in the field of fashion business journalism.

Black culture has an outsized influence on the fashion and beauty businesses, not only in designing the products, images and silhouettes that influence the consumer at large, but also setting trends and validating status symbols that define a cultural moment. But behind-the-scenes, Black professionals are underrepresented and often lack opportunities to join the talent pipeline. The disparity extends to the media outlets that cover the sector, a problem that the fellowship seeks to address.

Former BoF fellows have gone on to join the company full-time, or continue freelancing for the publication after the fellowship ends.

“Prior to joining BoF as a fellow, I was a rising senior in college and I had never covered fashion from a business lens,” said Yola Mzizi, editorial apprentice at BoF and a former fellow. “Through the fellowship, I learned the necessary skills to tell a compelling story for industry insiders backed with facts, analysis and deep reporting. These are skills that set me up for my first role post-graduation in the BoF newsroom today.”


The BoF Next Generation Black Journalists Fellowship aims to support Black writers with a passionate interest in fashion, beauty or business journalism and the industry at large who do not have an extensive track record of published work. Are you a retail worker with a flair for writing? Or a nurse who wants to bring your science education to writing about beauty products? This programme could be for you.

Black writers from any country are eligible to apply. This includes individuals of mixed heritage. Applicants are welcome to continue working full or part-time in other parts of the fashion industry, or in other sectors, during the fellowship. University education is not required, nor is a formal resume.

Fellowship Details

How long is the fellowship?

The programme will start on July 1, 2024 and last six months.

Is the fellowship paid?

Yes, fellows will be paid. The programme does not include benefits. Pre-approved reporting expenses that align with our editorial policies will be reimbursed.

How many fellows are in the programme?

We plan to work with two fellows per six month period.

Who chooses the fellows?

The fellows are chosen by members of BoF’s editorial team.

How are applications judged?

The prime objective of the fellowship is to identify and train future journalists and create a talent pipeline for BoF itself. Candidates must show a dedication to either the media or fashion industry. Prospective fellows will submit answers to a series of questions explaining why they want to be a part of the fellowship and share thoughts on the kinds of stories they would like to write. They will also send through a writing sample, which can be any written content whether it’s a blog post, essay or thread on social media. Applications will be reviewed on the basis of the quality of their ideas and passion for the business of fashion and beauty, as well as their career ambitions. Applicants need not limit their focus to diversity, inclusion or equity issues.

What kind of work will the fellows perform?

Fellows will spend upwards of four hours a week in the first two months of the fellowship to train and study the basic principles of journalism, from interviewing, sourcing, pitching to writing. In the following four months, fellows will write up to six or more articles, which will include news stories and one or two longer-form features pieces, whilst attending weekly catch-ups with fellowship coordinator. These stories will be published on BoF and will require upwards of 10 hours per week per story. The fellow is also required to be available for daily correspondence with editors and the programme coordinator during the story process. Candidates can have part- or full-time jobs to which the schedule can be accommodating, but fellows are expected to fulfil the weekly time commitment.

What kind of experience should the fellows expect?

Fellows will be paired with members of our editorial team who will first provide a thorough curriculum on reporting fundamentals and go through these lessons with the fellows every week. Lessons will be accompanied by weekly assignments. When it’s time for fellows to begin reporting, the programme coordinator will guide them through the process of pitching, reporting, writing, fact-checking and producing a story for publication.

Will BoF require fellows to follow BoF’s editorial policy?

Yes, fellows will need to adhere to BoF’s editorial policies, which include guidelines around reporting practices and conflicts of interest. While we understand fellows may work in other parts of the fashion and beauty industries while participating in the programme, they are prohibited from writing about any company with which they are employed in any capacity or in which they have any financial interest.

How to Apply

Please fill out the Typeform application linked below by May 31, 2024, at 5 p.m. EST. While there are no restrictions on length, we recommend that you aim for less than 300 words per question. A convenient way to answer each question is to type out your response in a Word or Google document, and paste it into the Typeform fields. Applications will not be considered unless all the questions are addressed. Formal resumes are not required.

  1. Please briefly introduce yourself to us.
  2. What are your career ambitions and how have you been working toward it?
  3. Why are you interested in the business side of the fashion and/or beauty industry?
  4. What is the most important issue in the fashion or beauty industries today that is not already covered extensively by the media? Choose one, be specific and explain why the issue is significant to you.
  5. The editing process can often be difficult and demanding. Describe one instance where you received critical feedback. Were you able to incorporate it into the final product? Or perhaps with hindsight, is there anything you would have done differently?
  6. What do you hope to get out of this fellowship?
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