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Business Owner



Business Owner

Sharon Dodson

One day about thirteen years ago, Sharon happened to stop by Choctaw Nation Headquarters to see if there were any job openings. Even though she and her husband had their family business, she had never given up the hope of serving her tribe. She ended up accepting a position in the Finance Division.

“[Connie Zalenski] gave me my first opportunity here. I’ll always be grateful to her for that and also the encouragement she gave me,” said Sharon.

Today, Sharon still works for the Choctaw Nation, although her position has changed. “I’m doing what I absolutely love to do, which is tribal advocacy.”

In her current position in the Recruiting Department, Sharon helps Choctaw tribal members find employment, education resources, training, mock interviews, and even clothing for interviews. She loves getting to help tribal members who have the same dream she did to work for their tribe.

“Don’t say you can’t do it. We can help you do it. We have too many resources for our members not to achieve,” said Sharon.

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