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Cancer, October 2024: Your Monthly Horoscope



Cancer, October 2024: Your Monthly Horoscope

For sentimental, reliable, and creative Cancer: Here’s what you can expect to enjoy, work through, and receive throughout the month of October.

An opposition between a fingernail sliver of a waning crescent Moon and Saturn retrograde sets the stage for what will be an arduous but overall rewarding October. While the start of a new month might make taking on new projects, responsibilities, or endeavors tempting, try to resist the urge as your ruling celestial body works through its darkest, most restorative phase.

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By October 2, the dark Moon will pass from Virgo, the final house of the Zodiac, to Libra, the first, further reinforcing the need for transformation, rebirth, and evolution. The new Moon will pass in front of the Sun this same day, forming an annular solar eclipse under Libra. October’s solar eclipse will only be visible over parts of the Pacific Ocean and South America. However, its astrological influence will be tangible globally and across the Zodiac.

Astrologically speaking, solar eclipses represent periods of significant evolution. October 2 will be an ideal time to let go of parts of yourself that have been holding you back, like fears, insecurities, or prejudices. The stars encourage you to open your heart and mind. Rather than finding ways to act (or react), focus on absorbing the information presented to you.

This process will be bolstered by a conjunction between the Moon, Mercury, and Makemake. Emotional clarity will be high as Mercury’s communicative power hones in on and detangles complicated feelings. With dwarf planet Makemake in the mix, the stars urge you to consider what energy you’re putting out into the world and, conversely, taking in from it. But remember, under the shadow of the new Moon, the cosmos are not encouraging great leaps and bounds in any one direction. October 2 and 3 will be days for learning, not sprinting. 

The remarkable metamorphoses promised by the new Moon early in the month won’t be without stress. Hopefully, you can squeeze as much R&R out of the first few days of October because things will only get more tense as the month progresses. By the time the dark Moon becomes visible once again, it will have crossed into Scorpio.

On October 6, a waxing crescent Moon and Venus conjoin under this notoriously broody sign. Be mindful of the temptation to sulk or give into passive aggression, particularly in close relationships. Even subtle shifts in interpersonal dynamics can create compromising cracks in a relationship’s foundation. Working through feelings of pride and speaking your truth will be difficult. Still, it has the potential to pay off tenfold if you can manage the strength.

Your progress in this endeavor will come to a head two days later, on October 8, when a still-crescent Moon directly opposes Jupiter. This power struggle is nothing you haven’t seen before. Unfortunately, that won’t make unexpected road bumps or other obstacles any less frustrating. Remember that there is a large difference between a punishment and a challenge. You’d be wise to keep your perspective on the latter description.

The stars offer time to evaluate how far you’ve come in the month thus far on October 13 as a waxing gibbous Moon conjoins with Saturn retrograde. While Saturn calls us to handle unsavory and undesirable obligations in our lives, the Moon implores us to reflect. Were the struggles earlier in the month worth it? If not, do you really want to expend any more energy toward this endeavor? If so, then take this analysis as validation to continue moving forward.

October’s full Moon comes to fruition on October 17 under Aries. Even without the heightened emotional presence of the Moon, Aries is a fiery, passionate, and emotion-driven sign. Proceed cautiously: fervor can swing in either extreme’s direction. Capitalize on this celestial energy while it’s here by focusing on positive and beneficial passions: love, friendship, hobbies, and even self-care. Most importantly, take great care not to let your emotions control you. No matter how big they might feel, take solace in knowing they will never be bigger than you.

With Eris and Chiron retrograde both flying under Aries, the risk of turning to hedonistic behavior grows. Physical distractions can help take your mind off vulnerabilities and hurt, as represented by Chiron, but it won’t make them go away. Ignoring your feelings won’t make them go away, but giving them too much credence also presents its set of pitfalls. This is a delicate balance to walk, Cancer. Remember, you’re not alone on this tightrope. Reach out to a loved one for a steadying hand if things become too overwhelming.

The Moon will have shrunk to a waning gibbous phase by the time it reaches your celestial “homebase” of the Cancer constellation on October 21. Its placement in the sky will prove especially useful as the waning gibbous Moon encourages you to reflect on what you’ve learned over the last few weeks of October. Journaling, meditation, and other grounding exercises will help you gain a broader perspective as you leave the thickest part of the metaphorical woods. As crucial as the individual trees may be, the stars gently push your attention toward the entire forest. What revelations does it have to offer you?

In a cosmic turn of events wholly appropriate for the season, a new Moon will close out October under Scorpio. There will be plenty to process and reflect on by the end of the month, and with Scorpio’s keen sense of power flow, the stars promise to offer plenty to learn. Our struggles mean little if we never take the time to understand their intention.

Nothing happens by accident, Cancer. Even our negative experiences contain silver linings of strength, wisdom, and hindsight. You mustn’t discredit these cosmic gifts. Indeed, the longer you pretend they’re not there, the truer that belief will inadvertently become. Resist the urge to fall into this quicksand-like cycle. Cynicism is more trouble than it’s worth.

Thus concludes your monthly highlights. For more specific celestial analyses, make sure to read your daily and weekly horoscope as well. Good luck, Cancer! See you next month.

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