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Cancer Weekly Horoscope



Cancer Weekly Horoscope

WEEK OF May 13 – 19, 2024

Solitary Crabs, it’s time for a pivot. Life is a multiplayer game this week as planets bob and weave together through Taurus and your eleventh house of teamwork and the future. It all begins on Monday, May 13, when the playful Sun merges with game-changing Uranus in the Bull’s pen—an annual event that occurs in Taurus from 2018 to 2025. Don’t ignore this very loud cue from the universe to embrace the spirit of interactivity. You could find yourself at the center of a buzzing hive of thought leaders and creatives.

Two days later, on Wednesday, messenger Mercury swoops into Taurus after a prolonged, two-month spell in Aries and your tenth house of career. With your networking skills on fire until June 3 (and beyond!), you won’t be at a loss for words. Nor will you struggle to convince people to see things from your POV. Share about your projects and others will clamor to get on-board. And if a current team project is veering off-track, call a meeting and reinvigorate people with a shared vision. The eleventh house also rules technology, so any digital venture is favored under this three-week cycle. Even if you’re just updating your social feeds or website, you’ll be amazed at the positive response you get.

On Saturday, romantic Venus gets in step with experimental Uranus, which could shake up your love life in unexpected ways. This is an amazing weekend to meet new, like-minded souls who share your passion and your mission. And if you’re single, well, what better way to meet someone with lasting potential than by doing something to help others together? Techie Uranus serves an auspicious moment for single Crabs and dating apps. A little confidence and intuitive right-swiping could illuminate someone you’re truly excited to meet! Coupled Cancers, where could your relationship use an infusion of higher consciousness? Perhaps you cut your sweetie some slack or, conversely, approach a sticking point with curiosity instead of blame. If you have a kink you’d like to explore, the Venus-Uranus merger might open up some playful discussions…and then some.

Saturday is also 2024’s Day of Miracles, so if you’re ready to stretch into broader social horizons, today is the day! As auspicious, expansive Jupiter makes its annual connection to the radiant Sun in Taurus, this power-pairing floods your communal eleventh house with their combined energies. This courageous surge makes you feel as if anything’s possible—and it might just be! But to capitalize on this, you have to search out people who share your current interests. And by that we mean, stretch outside the known quantity of your comfort zone. Even if you’ve jumped out of airplanes and walked over hot coals, dealing with a crowd of unfamiliar faces can be a totally different ball game. But you’ve got this, Cancer, so strike this week while you’re feeling untethered and the popularity iron’s hot!

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