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Capricorn Monthly Horoscope



Capricorn Monthly Horoscope


Spring fever is here! This month brings a surge of exuberant amorous energy as the Sun blazes through Taurus and your passionate fifth house, heating up the action until May 20. You’re feeling ripe with fresh ideas, confident and eager to express what’s been percolating within. A simmering attraction could blossom into a real-deal love connection.

Not that you’ve been a stranger to this energy, Capricorn. Since May 16, 2023, expansive Jupiter has been on a 12-month stroll through Taurus and this decadent, creative area of your solar chart. Romance and pleasure have been big themes for your sign for the past year. 

The May 7 Taurus new moon is an especially potent day to wear your heart on your sleeve. This new moon opens a six-month window for expressing your emotions and developing a budding attraction into something more. The fifth house rules fertility, so if you’ve had bambinos on the brain, consider this new moon a great “practice” date. Got an artistic talent to share with the world? At the new moon, you might seek representation by an agent or find an outlet for putting your talents on display at a gallery or a performance space or by getting your writing published.

Financial shifts are headed your way, too. Transformational Pluto starts its annual five-month backspin on May 2, lasting until October 11. This year, Pluto will split its retrograde between Aquarius (until September 1) and Capricorn. When Pluto makes its final visit to Capricorn in your lifetime, from September 1 to November 19, you could have one last moment of metamorphosis, a time when Capricorn 2.0 fully hatches. After that, Pluto will move into Aquarius for 20 years and won’t return to Capricorn for more than two centuries!

Whew! Sounds like a lot? It is. But you’ve got time to warm up because for the next four months, Pluto is reversing through Aquarius and your second house of finances. Have you slipped into a scarcity mindset? Some ancient fears around money and security are ready to be excavated and cleared. Are you entangled in a work project that’s draining your time, energy and resources? Start digging your way out of that hole. 

Pluto rules the underworld—as above, so below. Consider that any challenges are a reflection of your internal state and can only be “cured” when you identify your own blocks and fears around abundance. If you find yourself at odds with a difficult client, coworker or employee, don’t blame the messenger. Pluto retrograde reveals what’s hiding in the shadows. If you experience any setbacks or temporary financial shortages, this wake-up call is an invitation to face your fears and insecurities head-on. 

Midmonth, love and personal expression become major hotspots again. On May 13, the Sun will make its once-a-year conjunction with Uranus, the planet of unexpected events, which could spark a sudden attraction. With the feisty Sun and shock jock Uranus teaming up, you could be captivated by a rebellious type. But even if youthful Uranus hands you the equivalent of a backstage pass to flirt with your favorite pop star, consider the impact of your actions on others. 

This Sun-Uranus conjunction could just as easily heat up egos and tempers. Catch your knee-jerk reactions before they do any damage. This astrological alliance could also spark a stroke of creative genius today. Be ready for the muse in case she makes an unannounced appearance. Since the fifth house rules fertility, Capricorns of the childbearing set could hear pregnancy news out of the blue. Consider yourself notified!

A more auspicious day comes just a few days later. On May 18, the Sun will form its once-a-year conjunction (meetup) with abundant Jupiter, the planet of luck, adventure and long-distance connections. Dubbed the Day of Miracles, it’s believed by some astrologers to be one of the most fortunate dates of the year. Branch out of your comfort zone and take a chance. This day comes with a double dose of good fortune. As the Sun and Jupiter unite in your fifth house of passion, creativity and self-expression, your talents could attract the spotlight. A romantic connection could get an infusion of positive energy. Follow that spark!

On May 20, the revitalizing Sun moves into Gemini, along with mindful Mercury, helping you get super-organized. Get a jump start on your spring-into-summer wellness plans. Ramp up your daily movement and load your plate with healthy seasonal produce.

The sixth house rules helpful people, and this month invites you to take inventory of Team Capricorn. Are you getting the support you need, or (be honest) have you been burning the candle at both ends? Hold people accountable and put some smart systems in place to keep track of others’ performance and to manage your own expectations.

But first, pause for a moment of rejuvenation and self-care this May 23, when the year’s only Sagittarius full moon wings into your twelfth house of closure, healing and rest. Take a break, Capricorn—you’ve earned one! 

You’re about to be plenty busy for the rest of the year. Taking a moment to pause, ground yourself and spiritually connect will prepare you for the action ahead. Is it time to surrender and allow the universe to guide you? The twelfth house also rules transitions and release. If you’ve been holding on to something that’s no longer a good fit, the full moon arrives with loving support. Trust that if this situation is meant for you, it will come back in better shape once you stop trying to control it. 

The twelfth house is the zone of illusions and hidden agendas. Ask yourself: Where am I clinging to the past or refusing to let something go? Am I swimming upstream instead of going with the flow? As this lunar light reveals what’s in the shadows, allow yourself to see it rather than lapsing into denial. Follow your intuition’s guidance.

In other headline news, expansive Jupiter changes signs—a once-a-year occurrence—on May 25. Since May 16, 2023, Jupiter has been in Taurus, your fun-loving, amorous fifth house, ramping up the glamour, romance and playfulness in your life. It may not have been a huge career year for you, Capricorn, but hopefully you learned to enjoy life and follow your heart a lot more. Jupiter brought the awareness that there are grander shores to explore than the ones you’ve been combing. You might have met someone from a different cultural background who exposed you to a whole new way of life. Maybe you traveled to work or your artistic talents went global. Since the fifth house rules fertility, Jupiter’s visit could have brought a pregnancy. 

But the year of drama and decadence comes to an end—and not a moment too soon—on May 25, when abundant Jupiter enters Gemini and your sixth house of health, wellness and systematization, where it will stay until June 9, 2025. Out with the “festive” and in with the “functional”! For the next 12 months, you’ll be getting streamlined and stabilized, finding adventures in the practical details of life. From preparing meals with intricate processes to adopting a regular workout regimen with fun choreography, you could really get INTO what you’re doing.

Growth agent Jupiter last visited Gemini from June 2012 to June 2013, so if you think back to that time, you might see a familiar theme start to emerge over these next 13 months. Jupiter in Gemini will help you see all the world-expanding possibilities that come from being practical, punctual and pragmatic. You might feel more pumped to stay on top of your health, booking appointments with the dentist, acupuncturist and your doctor. You could also find that cleaning out a filing cabinet or an overstuffed closet boosts the manifesting magic. 

The sixth house rules helpful people, and with Jupiter here, Team Capricorn becomes a crucial crew. Get in alignment with your support staff at work—or find some capable service providers to delegate to. You might even travel to a conference or take a short course to enhance your skills set. Is it time to get certified or licensed in your field? Or maybe you’ll be a health tourist, traveling to Europe for an experimental therapy or enrolling in a yoga retreat somewhere exotic. By the time abundant Jupiter has its way with you, you’ll be one clean, green healthy machine. 

With passionate Mars marching through Aries and your domestic, nostalgic fourth house from April 30 until June 9, May is one touchy-feely month. Big emotional outpourings aren’t usually a Capricorn thing, but this month could bring strong feelings to the surface. You won’t be able to hide them, so you might as well wear your heart on your sleeve and keep it real, letting people see the sensitive side you’re normally hesitant to display. 

With Mars heating up the action at home, coupled Caps might be feeling the heat without leaving your digs. Single Capricorns may be disinclined to leave the house, but if you’re in the mood for love, you probably won’t find it sitting on the couch. Tap a wingperson and go out and mingle together if you start to become too much of a shut-in. Or just give yourself a break from the pressure and ramp up the self-care. Newish couples might be inspired to start leaving a toothbrush at each other’s places while longtime couples could talk about family expansion, scout real estate listings or tackle a big home improvement project.

Luckily, you’ve got cosmic support to go paint the town from the other love planet, Venus, who’s strutting down the runway of your passionate, glamorous fifth house until May 23. Venus is in sensual Taurus and this romantic zone until then, offsetting the homebody effect from Mars. Prepare for frequent costume changes from cozy loungewear to your rooftop cocktails “lewk.” When Venus unites with lucky Jupiter during its final hours in Taurus (under a full moon no less) on May 23, you could have a fantasy-fueled, fiery day in store.

Opt for athleisure after May 23, when Venus decamps to Gemini and your health-focused sixth house, motivating you to get green and clean until June 17. If you’re attached, make it your mission to beautify and simplify your shared life. But this doesn’t have to be a dishwater-dull activity. 

On the contrary: With Mars and Venus in your home and healthy-living zones, setting goals, cooking nutritious meals and working out together could be highly romantic. How about hosting a party together at your place? Single Capricorns could meet someone at workor while volunteering or at the gym. Say yes to a friend’s dinner party, especially if they’re inviting guests they think you’d click with romantically!

Working from home, or just bringing work home with you? With action planet Mars firing up your domestic sector until June 9, it will be hard to “leave it at the office,” whether you’ve got a hybrid situation, go into a physical workplace or already clock your hours remotely. 

In addition to setting some healthy limits on those ever-lengthening hours, use this Martian motivation to finally finish setting up a proper productivity area at Chateau Cappy or doing a major decluttering. Mark your turf, even if it’s just a zoned-off corner of the living room! Relatives and roommates can be an extra-aggravating source of stress with Mars here, so plan accordingly.

Things get easier after May 20, when the Sun enters Gemini and your organized, down-to-earth sixth house. You might even take your productivity outdoors. Find an al fresco cafe table with strong coffee and Wi-Fi or shake off stress with outside exercise breaks throughout the day. A walk, a bike ride, even hitting a tennis ball around can do wonders to relieve aggravation! 

Once enterprising Jupiter moves into Gemini and your organized sixth house from May 25 until next June 9, 2025, you’ll be inspired to get your systems in place. You might decide to hire a great service provider or assistant, or to go back to school to polish up your skills in a specific area. Not sure what you want to do next? Consider a part-time or bridge job to pay the bills while you explore options. No rush just yet—you’ve got more than a year—but might as well start exploring ways to make your life more efficient.

Love Days: 7, 11

Money Days: 19, 28

Luck Days: 15, 26

Off Days: 9, 14, 23

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