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CCCTC hires new principal



CCCTC hires new principal

Current Crestview Local High School Principal Greg Woolman stands with his wife, Madison, and his 6-year-old son, Knox, after being hired as the Columbiana County Career and Technical Center’s next principal during the CCCTC Board of Education meeting April 16. Woolman was hired for a three-year contract starting next school year. (Photo by Evan Houk)

LISBON — Current Crestview Local High School Principal Greg Woolman will become the Columbiana County Career and Technical Center’s (CCCTC) new principal next school year, after he was hired on a three-year contract by the CCCTC Board of Education April 16.

“Thank you to everyone. I’m excited, honored,” Woolman said at the meeting.

Woolman’s hiring continues the transition in leadership at CCCTC, as he will be replacing current Principal Jordan Williams, who is taking over next year for Jeremy Corbisello as assistant superintendent of CCCTC. Corbisello will become superintendent following the retirement of current Superintendent Chuck Adkins at the end of the current school year.

Woolman always knew he wanted to follow both his parents’ path into education, he said during a phone interview Thursday.

“It’s kind of always been something I’ve wanted to do and it’s been in the family since I was a little kid,” he said.

Woolman’s father, Elwood, started at Crestview Local School District as a business teacher, then transitioned into an occupational work experience role, and finished his career as a guidance counselor. Woolman’s mother, Cheryl, was a teacher at West Branch Elementary.

“I got the taste of the whole educational spectrum as far as grades,” he said. “Seeing that and seeing how much they enjoyed their jobs, seeing how much they enjoyed helping people, and how much people appreciated them, that was always something I wanted to do.”

Woolman was born and raised in Salem and graduated from the University of Mount Union. His first job in education came teaching sixth grade math at Crestview Local School District in 2012, the same year as his father’s 35th and final year at Crestview.

Woolman also taught seventh and eighth grade history for about five years and worked last year as the assistant principal for both Crestview Local Middle and High Schools.

“I’m really grateful for that because being an assistant principal is a really unique position. It’s usually the person the kids don’t like,” Woolman said with a laugh, “because they’re the ones, when you see them, you’re probably in trouble.”

But he said he enjoys putting a “positive spin” on disciplinary matters by using them as teaching moments for students to analyze why they did what they did and what they can do better in the future.

Woolman misses teaching sometimes, but is happy with the broad impact he can have on the students as an administrator.

“The goal is always the same– to always make sure of what’s best for the student, regardless of the position that you’re in,” Woolman said. “You get to do that in a different way in administration.”

Woolman is a lifelong athlete who has coached football at Crestview Local Middle School, basketball at the middle and high school, and varsity track. He currently coaches his 6-year-old son, Knox’s, T-ball team.

Woolman sees himself having a direct impact on students’ lives at CCCTC “because we’re talking about them moving into careers, and exploring those different careers that they have an interest in.”

Woolman enjoys spending time with his family– his wife, Madison, son Knox, who is a student at Crestview, and 9-month-old son, Theo — and staying active by playing golf and basketball.

“For a young man, he’s very polished,” Corbisello said at the CCCTC board meeting. “He’s a good addition to our team.”

The next meeting of the CCCTC Board of Education will be held in the central office board room at 7 p.m. May 1.

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