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Cheaper gas prices than last year and busier travel expected this Independence Day



Cheaper gas prices than last year and busier travel expected this Independence Day

TOPEKA, Kan. (WIBW) – Nationwide, AAA expects more than 60 million people driving to their holiday destinations with more than 585,000 of those drivers being Kansans.

As far as the gas prices go, in-state travelers are going to get more bang for their buck at the pumps.

“We’re at an average of $3.11 in the sunflower state and that’s about $0.10 to $0.15 less than we were this time a year ago,” said Spokesperson for AAA Kansas, Shawn Steward. “Right now we’re about $0.38 less than the national average which is $3.49 a gallon and that puts us eighth cheapest in the nation.”

Steward said there will be a definite increase in demand for fuel and it’s safe to say it’s going to be busy along the highways. The line of red taillights will have many drivers looking for a quick fix to beat the traffic.

“We see a lot of aggressive driving tied to speeding,” said Steward. “If you can, stick to the speed limit as much as possible. Obviously you can’t control what other drivers do but if you have another driver tailgating you, weaving in and out of traffic, or driving aggressively — just slow down, get over, and let them go about their way.”

Whether your destination is 20 minutes or 2 hours away, your best bet is to plan extra time to get there.

“We say that, especially, if your route takes you through a major metro area to try an avoid rush hour periods especially the day before the fourth where people getting off work will mix with holiday travel,” said Steward. “Plan some extra time and just be patient.”

AAA said if you’re going to be traveling outside of state lines, you can expect to see some fluctuating gas prices. However, there will be lots of people behind the wheel no matter where you go.

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