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City of Norman to hold special election on entertainment district amid controversy



On June 11, Norman city leaders decided what’s next for the entertainment district proposal. Norman City Council voted to have a special election on August 27, “Or the next legally permissible Election Day.”

This didn’t happen without some controversy at Monday’s meeting.

“I think it’ll just be a mess tonight,” Mayor Larry Heikkila said before the meeting.

Mayor Heikkila has been advocating for the entertainment district for at least the last three years. But, he knows not everyone is on board with the idea.

“This is Norman. There’s always a vocal bunch against almost everything you do. If you want peanut butter sandwiches, there’s going to be a vocal bunch against it.”

Stephen Ellis and Cynthia Rogers say they have doubts about the project planned near 24th Avenue and Rock Creek Road.

“Responsible business in the private sector would pass on this so hard, it would make your head spin,” Ellis said. “It just doesn’t have a positive return on investment.”

“Everybody would love OU to have a new arena,” Rogers said. “Who wouldn’t want that? But the price tag of $600 million. That just out there will sink the city budget.”

Though Mayor Heikkila argues the city has no risk on its side. He says Norman would pay for 20% of the project, while the developer and OU would put in 80%.

“What’s the good that comes out of it? Norman starts growing up,” Mayor Heikkila said. “It’s time for Norman to quit resisting every single change. It’s like working with teenagers. It just makes you crazy at times.”

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