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Compilation Others’ Travel Advice For Me



Compilation Others’ Travel Advice For Me

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Stevens chapter.

Everyone suggests traveling abroad while in college, and I am no different… I was someone who lived vicariously through my friends’ adventures abroad until this past semester when I applied to the University of Liverpool’s international summer research program

This summer consisted of many “firsts”: I had never flown on a plane alone, been to a European country, or stayed in a hostel. The program allowed me the opportunity to have a solo travel experience in England, with no additional plans in my itinerary besides participating in my assigned summer research project; however, by the end, I travelled to four additional countries, attended two concerts, tried new cuisines, and met so many people throughout my journey! 

I may not be the most qualified person to give solo travel advice when travelling abroad, but here is a compilation of the advice other people gave me and I abided by while I was abroad: 

“Do not wait for other people.” – my roommate.

Time is limited. Attend concerts of your favorite artists and stay in hostels with random people. Embrace your inner tourist and take advantage of every opportunity a town offers; if unsure, ask the stranger near you. One of the people you introduce yourself to may become your next friend until you both part ways onto the next adventure.

Learn how to do things independently instead of waiting and relying on other people to make plans for you! Everyone has their interests so do your research on everything you want to accomplish. 

Ask questions, look up from your phone, and be present during your explorations. You only have one opportunity to visit somewhere for the first time so remind yourself to cherish the moment. 

“Try new things… and then tell me all about it.” – my mother.

Say yes to most opportunities (unless they are dangerous or illegal. Some of my best memories were trying recommendations from other people who have previously traveled to wherever my weekend destination was. 

The one time I looked up a description of a country’s national dish before ordering, I almost talked myself out of trying it; however, I knew I would’ve regretted it more if I didn’t. I tried my best to embrace the idea of YOLO during my weekend travels to other countries because it took me twenty years to travel there for the first time; who knows when I will have another opportunity. 

“Write it down so you don’t forget.” – my grandma.

My journal traveled with me everywhere (and I mean everywhere)! It collected every scrap of paper and thought I wanted to remember from my solo travels and time in Liverpool. I hope to remember enough for future summaries of the summer before my senior year. 

My journal has always allowed me to empty my thoughts onto a page, but this past summer it became a summary of my life. Scrapbooking my weekend trips to new places and collecting postcards from each remind me of how I felt doing things I previously only dreamed of doing. 

If you’re even considering traveling abroad, DO IT! You will learn so much about yourself in the time you have in your own company. It is almost guaranteed that not everything will go according to plan, but it is then that you’ll have the best adventures.

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