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Construction underway and on time for new Hot Springs World Class High School



In just one year, Hot Springs World Class High School students will be walking the halls of their new, nearly $38 million school.

“This historic Hot Springs High School was built back in 1968,” said Hot Springs School District Superintendent, Dr. Stephanie Nehus. “It opened in 1969. It was the first year of integration in the Hot Springs School District so there is a lot of history in this building, but the building is an old building so it is time to give the students of today a state of the art, 21st century building.”

Construction on the new school began in 2023 and is set to be completed in 2025. Nehus said this is one of many projects the district has worked on in recent years.

Other projects include an elementary school built in 2019 and a new junior high school in 2020.

Nehus said both the elementary school and junior high were funded by a millage increase that was paid for by tax payers, but the new high school that is currently under construction was not.

“We did not go to our taxpayers for this building,” said Nehus. “We are funding it with district funds that we had in our building fund as well as taking a second lien bond.”

The new school will be 140,000 square feet, with three floors of classrooms. School officials said there will also be a unique, more open bathroom concept for the students that will have a vape detector and be better equipped when it comes to safety.

Brian Hill with Hill and Cox Corporation, a construction company based out of Hot Springs, is working on this project with the district.

Hill said their company also helped build the elementary school and the junior high just years ago.

“I am a big emphasis on local suppliers and contractors,” said Hill. “When you do not have to pay a per diem and things of that nature, it helps to drive the cost down. Our cost per square foot for this educational facility is quite a bit lower than across the state because we were able to do that.”

Hill said they were able to work with other local companies on this project.

According to school officials, the old high school will be torn down and in its place, they will be adding in a FEMA-approved safe room and gym, tennis courts, and a soccer field.

Officials said the schedule for the project is on time and going as planned.

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