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Cosmo’s Summer Travels



Cosmo’s Summer Travels

Bon jour, hola, ni hau and miao from your pal Cosmo the Library Cat. This summer we asked the question “How far can Cosmo go?” The answer?  Pretty far when you have the world’s best library patrons! 

A few months ago, the librarians at Grand County Public Library invited patrons to take my lovely likeness along on their travels, whether literal or literary, and send in photos from these exotic locales, and boy, did you people deliver! 

What fun it was to stroll past the ever-growing display of photos of yours truly in Australia, India, Paris and Finland, just to name a few of the amazing places I got to visit with you. 

To immortalize this charming display, a digital scrapbook has been created so you can enjoy pictures of my summer adventures anytime! Take a look by visiting, click on the “Happenings” tab, and then look for “Digital Projects.” You’ll see some other fun digital albums there, as well. Merci to everyone who sent in pictures: you helped make this one of my best summers ever! Miao for now! 

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