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Creating the future: World’s Top 50 Innovators 2024 Codex will take place in May



Creating the future: World’s Top 50 Innovators 2024 Codex will take place in May

From the darkest depths of space to the bottom of the ocean, by way of tree crowns, challenges come from all directions.

In terms of energy, innovation, security, sustainability, we are surrounded by challenges and obstacles. But extraordinary minds, people who think outside the box, do not see limitations, but opportunities.

Curiosity never killed the cat. On the contrary, curiosity has taken down many walls. Physical or mental, it’s our curiosity that has pushed the boundaries of human limitation, it’s curiosity that is the staple of not only our survival, but our central place amongst the universe.

By propelling and showcasing innovation in the ‘World’s Top 50 Innovators 2024’ event, from the 8th to the 10th of May, Codex is accelerating our long and continuous march towards progress, for a better, safer, and more exciting world.

50 Innovators, 1000 Challenges

One of the most highly anticipated technology events of 2024 is nearly upon us. From the 8th to the 10th of May, Codex is proud to be organising the ‘World’s Top 50 Innovators 2024’ at Chicago Booth in London. This prestigious event will showcase breakthrough technologies across a range of fields including AI, Robotics, Mobility, Biotechnology, Technologies to Preserve the Oceans, Space Technologies, FinTech, Quantum Computing, and Innovation by Design.

The World’s Top 50 Innovators series is an inspirational showcase, and testament to the power of science and technology as a force for good in society. The event will be the occasion to hear from 50 innovators whose powerful technologies are sure to be applied to solving some of humanities’ biggest challenges and to power growth across the world.

Infinity and Beyond

Leaders from NASA will be present, after enthralling audiences at previous T50 events. Head of Science at NASA, Dr. Nicola Fox, the visionary leader guiding humanity’s next giant leaps, will deliver a keynote address and unveil NASA’s latest ground-breaking missions and audacious plans for deep space exploration. Peter Weiss, President of Spartan Space, will discuss how his EUROHAB concept might be the first permanent outpost on another celestial body. Nick Shave, Managing Director of Astroscale will show how the menace of space debris can be tackled.

Back on Earth, leaders in AI will discuss the latest breakthroughs in machine learning, natural language processing, and computer vision. Kurt House, CEO, KoBold Metals, whose investors include Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos and Sam Altman, will give a Codex Talk on how AI is being used to discover the critical materials needed for the energy transition. KoBold is currently exploring properties on 4 continents for lithium, copper, cobalt, and nickel, as well as developing its Mingomba project into a very large new mine. Dinesh Nayar, Managing Director, Creator Studio, part of H&M Group, will discuss how AI can turbocharge creativity and reduce waste in the fashion industry. Dr. Robin Tuluie, Founder, PhysicsX, a company of scientists and engineers born out of World Championship winning Formula One teams, will give a Codex Talk on how AI will solve urgent climate and industrial challenges, and reconceive how engineering is practiced.

Healthy people on a healthy planet

Pioneers in biotechnology will share insights into revolutionary developments in gene editing, personalised medicine, and regenerative therapies, driving unprecedented progress in healthcare and beyond. Trevor Martin, CEO, Mammoth Biosciences, a company founded by Nobel Prize Winner Jennifer Doudna, will discuss how CRISPR systems will deliver on the promise of genetic medicine to detect and cure disease. Dr. Wolf Reik, from Altos Labs, one of the best funded start-ups in history having raised £2.4B from investors which include Jeff Bezos and Yuri Milner, will share his thoughts on innovative approaches to understanding the fundamental mechanisms of cellular aging, as well as developing novel therapies aimed at rejuvenating tissues and organs. Altos Labs aims to revolutionise healthcare by offering transformative solutions that could potentially extend human lifespan and improve overall quality of life.

Visionaries in technologies to preserve the oceans like Austin Martin, COO, Coral Vita will discuss how coral reefs can be restored, and Jess Middlemiss CTO, Matter, will demonstrate how microplastics can be removed from water courses, even before they can enter the oceans. Caroline Hoeschle, Team Leader, SPACEWHALE, will give a Codex Talk about her audacious project with the European Space Agency using AI and satellite imaging to count the number of whales in the sea, so their populations can be preserved and encouraged to grow, thereby helping the climate.

Building Internet and Raising Monuments

Top CEOs in quantum computing from Rigetti, IQM and Terra Quantum will explore the potential of quantum supremacy, quantum cryptography, and quantum machine learning, and how these technologies could produce breakthroughs in new materials, energy, medicines and climate. And senior leaders from Honda, Group14 Technologies, URBAN-Air Port, and Luvly AB, will explain how a re-modelling of door-to-door personal and aerial transportation, and development of electric vehicles and autonomous aircraft, could help slash carbon emissions.

The Innovation by Design session will showcase the world’s most innovative architects, from Zaha Hadid Architects, Alison Brooks Architects, and RSHP, who will demonstrate how the latest technologies and materials can be used to produce aesthetically pleasing as well as sustainable buildings. They will be joined by award winning car designer Carl Gotham from MG Motors Cars and former CEO of Aston Martin, Dr. Andy Palmer CMG.

Blancpain will  be providing timepieces as prizes for Best Codex Talk, Top Female Innovator, and Most Impactful Innovation.

By bringing together some of the world’s smartest minds, Codex is providing the perfect opportunity to capture imaginations and inspire those who attend. The goal of this event is also to encourage collaboration across different industries, which may in the future lead to even more phenomenal technological advancements.

Discover the confirmed speakers and 3-day event schedule by clicking the link below:

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