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Despite claims of generative AI being a fad, it could automate 54% of banking jobs — OpenAI’s GPT-4 already outperformed seasoned analysts in predicting financial trends



What you need to know

  • A new report suggests AI could potentially take over more jobs, this time affecting the banking sector.
  • According to the study, 54% of banking jobs (more than half) have a high affinity for automation, with the possibility of 12% being augmented by AI.
  • Upskilling in AI seems like a sure-proof way to secure jobs, but privacy and security remain a major concern.
  • Microsoft’s Work Trend Index report states AI has created more jobs, but executives won’t hire anyone without an AI aptitude.

We might be on the verge of the biggest technology revolution with AI, though there are several factors like lack of adequate power, finances, and water to push it to the next level. While it remains debatable if AI is a fad, the technology is being widely adopted.

As we speak, generative AI is already claiming jobs across various sectors, including the built environment. Microsoft Copilot and ChatGPT are great at generating detailed structural designs within seconds. But where does this leave the need for architects and interior designers in the job market? Interestingly, these AI-powered chatbots can generate sophisticated structural designs but fail at simple tasks like creating a plain white image.

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