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‘Destiny 2’ Is Significantly Changing The Most Annoying Part Of Its Echoes Episode



Well, players weren’t thrilled with aspects of Destiny 2’s new Echoes Episode, namely its Breach Executable activity, and now, Bungie is changing things rather significantly.

First, they are altering things so players stop getting slammed by aerial void Hydras with double buff modifiers in a room with no cover, as they are no long doing Void Threat. But more importantly, they are making big changes to how you collect samples and how your teammates could screw you over. Here’s what they said:

  • We will also be improving the hunt for Planetary Pistons and Radiolite samples with several changes:
  • Guardians will always be able to find two Pistons in each run of Breach Executable
  • Piston waypoint range is increased for easier visibility
  • The delay before being teleported to join allies in the next encounter has been increased. This means you can continue to extract samples when your teammates push ahead.
  • Extracting Radiolite samples is now instant, so you can get back into the action faster.

So, in others words, this fixes pretty much every aspect of why it was terrible collecting samples in this activity. You couldn’t find the pistons, you didn’t even know if there were two pistons, you were pulled forward by teammates to other encounters or the boss room, and it took too much time to collect the samples. This should mean a lot more loot for all players now in this activity given that it pretty much doubles it, plus offers a chance for exotics or materials, if you collect enough per run. Excellent.

They also mention that people are missing a sample-collecting quest from this week, which we’ve had in the previous weeks, and it’s currently a weekly challenge no one can complete. It will be active next reset, it seems, which should be when this patch goes live.

I have not been the biggest fan of this episodic model so far, especially since after three weeks we have already hit a three week story break, which includes timegated weapons and a timegated battle pass, which we have not seen before. But at the very least I am happy that this activity will be less frustrating and a lot easier to maximize loot from. I appreciate Bungie taking the feedback and applying it in relatively short order, as they are very adaptable when they can be.

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