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Emma Roberts Says The ‘Nepo-Baby’ Label Is Sexist



Emma Roberts, daughter of Eric Roberts and niece of Julia Roberts, has labeled the “nepo-baby” criticism as sexist. On the “Table for Two” podcast, the actress said young girls face harsher scrutiny for their famous family ties than their male counterparts. “I always joke, ‘Why is no one calling out George Clooney for being a nepo baby? Rosemary Clooney was an icon. I feel like young girls get it harder with the nepo-baby thing. Like, I don’t really see people calling out sons of famous actors,” said the actress. Roberts emphasized that despite having Hollywood connections, she had to prove herself and faced numerous rejections along the way. She argued that while people assume having a famous family is advantageous, it can also add pressure and create obstacles. “People only see your wins, because they only see when you’re on the poster of a movie,” Roberts explained. She also shared that witnessing her aunt’s intense public scrutiny as a child made her cautious about seeking fame.

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