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Esteemed travel host Rick Steves details his ‘latest adventure’ with cancer recovery



Esteemed travel host Rick Steves details his ‘latest adventure’ with cancer recovery

Esteemed television and radio travel host Rick Steves provided a social media update over a month after announcing his prostate cancer diagnosis.

In the Facebook update, Steves mentioned that he is back home after what he called a “successful surgery and a night in the hospital.”

In the Facebook update, Steves jokingly wrote that he left his prostate at the hospital. Steves characterized his bout with cancer as the “latest adventure in a lifetime of travels,” and like always, he’s “always excited to share a trip report with you.”

RELATED: Esteemed travel host Rick Steves announces prostate cancer diagnosis, will undergo surgery

“My journey began with a blood draw to screen for prostate cancer,” wrote Steves. “I was told that, at my age, a PSA score of 4 or greater would be considered “abnormal.” So, when I got the shocking news that I had a PSA score of 55, it was like I’d been thrown into a new land fraught with mystery and uncertainty. Suddenly swept away from my general practitioner and into the world of oncology, I needed to make important decisions about things I knew nothing of, and I barely spoke the language.”

Steves continued to say that he considered non-surgical alternatives as well as undergoing an ectomy. However, caring people with “strong opinions and lessons from experience” guided him, competing in the interest of his health. But, after weighing his options, he determined surgery was the best option.

The travel host shared how he felt physically following his operation.

“I wake up feeling great, chatty, and making jokes I think are clever, clearly on some serious medicine,” wrote Steves. “Thankfully, my doctor has a good report: Surgery went well, there was no sign of any spread, and the cancer seems to have been embedded deep in my prostate, which is now at the lab.”

Steves called the next stage of his journey “the road to recovery” and mentioned that he’s overcome with thankfulness to be living in a “corner of the world where hospitals aren’t being bombed or flooded.” He continued to say that he’s thankful for the love and support he’s received from so many people.

“On my first day back home (when not napping), I read through cards and social media comments from caring people sharing experiences and cheering me on,” Steves wrote. “All those good vibes, warm thoughts, and fervent prayers — while intangible — took on a kind of tangibility as they collectively worked to fill my sails with hope and strength to finish this journey successfully. Thank you.”

Lastly, Steves wrote in the update that he’s looking forward to many more years of happy travels, and like always, he’ll be sure to bring us all along.

You can read Steves’ full social media update post by clicking here.

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