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EYE ON HEALTH: Local woman giving back to community by opening Chosen By Fitness



A local woman decided to take control of her health after several failed weight loss attempts. Now she is taking what she learned to help others. 

Stacy Lane spends most of her time working out and helping others. Like millions of Americans, Stacy has struggled with her weight. 

Stacy Lane says, “The battle up and down, up and down. I would be in shape then it would come back with a vengeance and then I would put on that plus more.”

At her heaviest, Stacy weighed 346 pounds. That led to a number of health problems including diabetes. So almost nine years ago, Stacy decided to have surgery.

Lane says, “At that point I chose to have what they call a vertical sleeve gastrectomy. It was a hard decision to make, but I knew I needed that help.”

Stacy knew she wasn’t the only one who needed help. So, she decided to start a nonprofit Chosen by Fitness to give free personal training to those considered obese but can’t afford to get professional help.

Lane says, “We provide free training and nutritional guidance for those who cannot afford to do so on their own and it is for those who are considered bariatric or obese patients who need that help.”

Stacy says once she lost the weight and made the commitment to keep it off through lifestyle changes including a healthy diet, she noticed several improvements.

Lane says, “I came off high blood pressure. I did have high cholesterol, but was never on medication for that and I was able to come off diabetic medicine as well. So now I am medication free.”

For nearly nine years, Stacy has maintained a healthy weight and kept off more than 180 pounds. She says it is not just about shedding the extra pounds, but truly feeling your best.

Lane says, “You concentrate on getting down to a certain weight, a certain size and after you get to a certain point, you realize that is not important, you want to feel healthy.”

Click here to learn more about Chosen by Fitness.

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