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Fact Sheet: Kamala Harris on LGBTQ Issues: Jobs, the Economy, and Housing | GLAAD



Fact Sheet: Kamala Harris on LGBTQ Issues: Jobs, the Economy, and Housing | GLAAD

GLAAD is documenting the records of presidential candidates on a number of areas of significance to LGBTQ people. Vice President Kamala Harris’s record including her policies and efforts that affect jobs, inflation, LGBTQ participation in the economy, and access to housing, can be found below. The Biden-Harris administration has focused on economic recovery, job creation, and housing affordability, with particular attention to supporting marginalized communities, including LGBTQ people. 

Donald Trump’s record can be found here. The full anti-LGBTQ Trump record is available on GLAAD’s Trump Accountability Tracker

The Economy, Jobs, Housing, and Effect on the LGBTQ Community

LGBTQ people in the United States have the same worries as others when it comes to finding housing, good jobs and saving for the future. But according to the Movement Advancement Project, research consistently finds that LGBTQ people and their families are more likely to struggle economically, experiencing higher rates of poverty and food insecurity. 

According to The Williams Institute at UCLA School of Law, social and legal exclusion of LGBTQ people creates economic hardships and can negatively affect the economy. LGBTQ people continue to face discrimination in many aspects of daily life—including at work, which can result in unemployment or lower wages; and when seeking homes, which can result in instability—all contribute to this economic insecurity.  

  • Currently, there is no federal law that consistently protects LGBTQ people from housing discrimination. The Equality Act would amend the Civil Rights Act to ensure comprehensive protections on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity nationwide, including in housing, education, public accommodations and access to credit. Harris strongly supports the Equality Act. 
  • According to HRC, “A 2013 study by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development showed that same-sex couples experience significant levels of discrimination when responding to advertised rental housing in metropolitan areas nationwide.”
  • “The actual percentage of LGBT people living in poverty decreased significantly by 2021, a year after the onset of the pandemic,” according to the Williams Institute, likely a result of COVID-19 economic relief funding and payments provided by the U.S. government, such as the American Rescue Plan Act, which included unemployment benefits, family and childcare tax credits, and direct cash payments.” On March 11, 2021, President Biden signed the American Rescue Plan into law.
  • The Fair and Equal Housing Act would provide consistent and explicit non-discrimination protections for LGBTQ+ people in housing by adding “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” as protected characteristics under the Fair Housing Act. The bill was introduced in the House in 2023. 
  • Currently, persons who identify as LGBTQ and believe they have experienced housing discrimination because of their actual or perceived sexual orientation or gender identity can assert their rights under the Fair Housing Act by filing a complaint with HUD.   

Affordable Housing Initiatives

  • Harris spoke alongside President Biden in the Rose Garden to tout the The American Rescue Plan Act after its passage. The act, championed and signed into law by Biden, included significant funding for housing assistance, helping to reduce the percentage of LGBTQ people living in poverty by 2021 through various economic relief measures such as unemployment benefits, family and childcare tax credits, and direct cash payments. Harris emphasized the importance of fair pay and safe working conditions for caregivers, as well as access to high-quality care for all Americans.
  • Harris supports the Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) move to enforce the Fair Housing Act to prohibit discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity.
  • In its first 100 days, the Biden-Harris administration directed HUD to review and assess Trump-era regulatory changes, citing housing discrimination against LGBTQ, people of color, immigrants and people with disabilities. Directs HUD to assess Fair Housing Act practices.
  • Harris drafted and helped pass the California Homeowner Bill of Rights as attorney general for California. It is a set of laws designed to protect homeowners from unfair practices. The California Homeowner Bill of Rights became law on Jan. 1, 2013.
  • As a U.S. senator, Harris introduced the Rent Relief Act to provide a refundable tax credit for renters spending more than 30% of their income on rent and utilities, aiming to alleviate housing cost burdens. It has since been reintroduced in the current Congress. 

Workplace Protections

  • Harris supports the Equality Act, which would provide comprehensive protections against discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity in various areas, including employment and housing.
  • Harris has spoken out against anti-LGBTQ legislation, including laws that could affect LGBTQ people in the workplace, criticizing laws that could prevent teachers from being out at work for fear of losing their jobs.
  • Harris has highlighted the significance of policies that support workers, such as paid medical leave and universal pre-K, which align with the broader goals of the Build Back Better plan.

Equity in Government Programs

  • On the first day of the Biden-Harris administration, Biden signed an executive order directing the federal government to “pursue a comprehensive approach to advancing equity for all,” specifically citing LGBTQ people among the list of underserved communities. 

Tax Policies

Job Creation and Labor Support

  • Harris has been a strong advocate for labor unions and workers’ rights, participating in numerous labor union events and emphasizing the importance of affordable healthcare, childcare, and elder care.
  • The Biden-Harris administration’s economic policies have resulted in substantial job creation, with the economy adding millions of jobs and reducing income inequality through targeted wage increases for lower-paid workers.

Economic Recovery and Growth

  • The Biden-Harris administration oversaw a robust recovery from the pandemic-induced recession, reducing the unemployment rate from 6.4% in 2021 to 3.4% in early 2023, marking the lowest rate in more than half a century.
  • Stimulus measures led to increased demand for workers, particularly in lower-paying jobs, resulting in significant wage growth. By June 2023, average hourly wages were 23% higher than four years prior, outpacing the 21% increase in average prices.
  • Although inflation peaked at a four-decade high in June 2022 due to supply chain disruptions and geopolitical tensions, it has since decreased significantly. The administration’s efforts have been aimed at stabilizing the economy while maintaining low unemployment rates.

GLAAD’s Voter Poll shows:

  • LGBTQ registered voters are highly motivated as the presidential and key congressional campaigns approach, with 94% indicating they are definitely (83%) or probably (11%) voting this November. 
  • 82% strongly agree that “Republicans should stop focusing on restricting women’s rights and banning medical care for transgender youth and instead focus on addressing inflation, job creation, and healthcare costs.”


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