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Fallout 76: Quantum World, Explained



Fallout 76: Quantum World, Explained

With Fallout 76, Bethesda has created a unique, ever-evolving take on the classic Fallout formula. Though the basic multiplayer ‘Adventure’ world gets most of the attention, it is far from the only thing FO76 has to offer. Through the Fallout 1st program, players have access to special worlds, including private worlds for solo or small-team adventuring, and temporary custom worlds built by the community.



Fallout 76‘s Quantum World is a special Custom World built by Bethesda themselves. Custom Worlds are special, curated worlds in which the creator sets unique rules that are designed to offer players a unique experience. These worlds are always limited events, usually rotating monthly. The changes in these worlds vary greatly, from the most mundane to the absolutely wild. This guide will explain how the Quantum World works, and what players can expect when they jump in.


Fallout 76: Best Camp Locations

Here’s what the best spots for a camp are in the post-apocalyptic wasteland of Fallout 76, and what their pros and cons are.

Remember, progress in the Quantum World, like any of
Fallout 76
‘s custom worlds,
does not cross-over to your main Adventure.
All EXP and items remain in the Quantum World, and will not be in your inventory when you switch back to Adventure.

How to Enter the Quantum World in Fallout 76

To enter the Quantum World, players need to head to Fallout 76‘s main menu. Select the ‘Play’ option to see the current selection of available worlds. Once the menu is up, you will see four options: Adventure, Private Adventure, Quantum World, and Custom World. Hover over the Quantum World icon and press X/A to bring up the screen that displays the characteristics of this Custom World.


The Quantum World menu lists the following World Settings:

  • Nuked Flora & Creatures are turned on (special plants and more glowing/diseased enemies)
  • The Weather is Quantum Storm Rain (It is always storming)
  • Jump Height is listed as Nuclear (This means a significant increase in jump height)
  • Fall Damage is completely gone.

These are the basic parameters that make up Fallout 76‘s Quantum World.

Quantum World, Explained


Once players have entered the Quantum World in Fallout 76, there are some key differences that they should be aware of. First, the increased jump height and lack of falling damage make for an extremely fun and chaotic combat experience. It is worth playing in the Quantum World just to experience this.

Many of the items available in the Quantum World mimic the items that are available after a nuclear detonation in Fallout 76‘s Adventure mode. Plant and animal life are fundamentally changed, leading to the availability of otherwise unavailable crafting materials.

One of the best locations to visit to see the effects of the Quantum World is the area outside the Whitespring Resort. Here, the mutated plant and animal life is on full display, and harvesting them is part of the core gameplay loop on offer in the Quantum World.

Harvesting Nuked Flora:

In the Quantum World, the plants have been changed to match the four types of ‘Flux‘ that can be acquired through harvesting them. The four types of Flux are:

  • Cobalt Flux
  • Fluorescent Flux
  • Violet Flux
  • Yellowcake Flux

While in the world, the plants will be color-coded to match their corresponding flux. For example, harvesting the orange-colored Raydodendron rewards Raw Fluorescent Flux, and the purple Crackletail rewards the Raw Violet Flux. These raw materials will all be used, along with special materials from the nuked animals and enemies, to create a stable form of Flux.

Harvesting Nuked Animals and Enemies:


The Quantum World features far more glowing and diseased enemies, which can drop unique crafting materials used to create special items. When harvesting loot from defeated enemies in the Quantum World, look for the following items:

  • Glowing Mass
  • Hardened Mass
  • High-Radiation Fluids

These items are key components in the creation of Stable Flux, which is key to crafting in the Quantum World.

Crafting in Fallout 76’s Quantum World

There are several items that utilize the Stable Flux that is gained through the Quantum World’s materials. Remember, the only place that players can create Stable Flux is at a Chemistry Station.


There are four types of craftable Stable Flux. They all share the same crafting requirements, except for the type of Raw Flux they use.


Crafting Requirements

Stable Flux (Cobalt/Fluorescent/Violet, Yellowcake)

  • Glowing Mass x1
  • Hardened Mass x1
  • High-Radiation Fluids x1
  • Raw Cobalt/Fluorescent/Violet/Yellocake Flux x10

Just a small selection of Items that can be crafted with various Stable Flux (plans required):

As previously mentioned, none of the items that are looted or crafted in the Quantum World come back to the main Adventure mode. Anything acquired in the Quantum World will remain there. This makes the Quantum World an impractical setting for completing main quests and character building. Because it is a limited-time event, and all progress is lost upon event rotation, it is better to use it as a place to explore and have fun, using its transient nature to remove any restraints from Adventure mode.

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Fallout 76

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