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Finding Balance Between Tech Innovations and Human Touch in the Sports and Fitness Industry



Finding Balance Between Tech Innovations and Human Touch in the Sports and Fitness Industry

From the use of video assistant referees in F1 car racing to AI-powered physical tests at the Olympics, the integration of technology into sports and fitness is on the rise. The benefits of innovation can be felt not only by industry giants though. 

As an AI engineer working for a software development company that has been helping businesses transform and build new products since 2009, I can give you dozens of examples of how sports companies and fitness startups strengthen their brands with the help of tech solutions. 

So, let’s explore ways to strike a balance between technology and human interaction in the sports and fitness industry to leverage the benefits of both.

Eliminating human bias and improving athlete performance with Artificial Intelligence

You have probably disagreed with the referee at least once in your life at a football match with your favorite team. Sometimes judges can make mistakes because they, like all of us, can be influenced by their own biases. The inclusion of video assistant referees (VAR) helps to resolve such controversial cases by relying on video footage to analyze game situations and provide an unbiased opinion.

Another example of sports tech trends is using computer vision to increase athlete performance, prevent injuries and improve overall experience from training. By analyzing an athlete’s movements in detail, computer vision-based apps help in understanding body positioning, joint angles, and motion patterns to suggest areas for improvement, optimize technique, and enhance performance. We’ve helped a sports tech startup BeOne Sports to bring such a solution to the market.

Nevertheless, it’s crucial to recognize that AI relies on data that can also be biased. So, when developing AI sports apps, you should prioritize data preparation to attain the utmost accuracy in the results. Also, you should remember that AI capabilities are limited and can’t replace human experience, so it’s better to use AI as a tool for assistance rather than relying solely on it for final decision-making.

Scaling fitness initiatives through digital solutions

By leveraging technology capabilities, offline fitness businesses can reach a larger audience and overcome traditional limitations.  Bringing to market digital platforms and creating fitness applications enable fitness coaches to offer their services remotely. Through video calls, personalized workout plans, and virtual classes, fitness initiatives can reach individuals regardless of their location. 

Digital platforms foster virtual fitness communities where individuals can connect, share experiences, and support each other in their fitness journeys. These communities provide a sense of belonging and motivation. Again, you can use AI to enable the collection and analysis of user data to personalize recommendations, track progress, and provide targeted feedback. 

Backed by a strong brand and the expertise of fitness trainers, such solutions can enjoy significant growth, as F45 Training did at one time, expanding in-person studio classes to global online programs.

Finding the perfect combination

Even the most advanced sports and fitness solutions rely on the knowledge and experience of human experts. However, technology can greatly boost business opportunities by combining the expertise of fitness trainers with advanced data analysis and automation of certain tasks. 

When adopting innovations, it’s important to make sure they align with your business goals. To do this, you can seek help from software consultants and engineers who will find the best solutions to help you achieve those objectives. We at MobiDev will be happy to help you. Recently we expanded our presence to Sacramento, CA to be closer to our clients in California. So feel free to reach out.

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