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Freelancers Are the Future: Why Traditional Jobs Are Dead



Freelancers Are the Future: Why Traditional Jobs Are Dead

Financial Independence in the Gig Economy

Photo by Radek Grzybowski on Unsplash

I still remember the moment I realized I was over traditional jobs. It was a typical Monday morning, and by typical, I mean dreadful. The kind where you wake up to the alarm that feels like a jackhammer, groan, and contemplate every life choice that led you to this point. My office cubicle felt more like a cell with slightly better Wi-Fi. The corporate world was squeezing the life out of me one email at a time.

“Another day, another dollar,” my colleague Jim said, flashing me a smile that didn’t reach his eyes. I wondered if he practiced that line in the mirror every morning. I plastered on a half-hearted grin and nodded, then took a sip of my lukewarm coffee. If only Jim knew the kind of daydreams I was having — most of which involved a dramatic exit and a one-way ticket to anywhere but here.

But let’s back up a bit. I wasn’t always this disillusioned with the 9-to-5 grind. Fresh out of college, I was eager, enthusiastic, and ready to climb the corporate ladder. I was certain I’d make it to the top, become a high-flying executive, and revel in my success. Reality, however, had other plans.

Fast forward a few years, and there I was, still stuck in middle management, drowning in a sea of monotonous tasks…

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