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Gartner Marketing Survey Finds Nearly One-Third of Consumers Plan to Begin Holiday Shopping Before November | IT Stock News



Gartner Marketing Survey Finds Nearly One-Third of Consumers Plan to Begin Holiday Shopping Before November | IT Stock News

According to a Gartner survey, 32% of consumers plan to start holiday shopping before November. Only 14% of U.S. consumers intend to increase spending year-over-year, while 21% plan to reduce it. Online shopping remains popular, with 20% of consumers planning to increase their online purchases due to concerns about in-store pricing.

The survey reveals that 60% of consumers have at least one concern about in-store shopping, including higher prices (40%), inventory issues (28%), and security concerns (14%). Despite this, 57% of consumers plan to use value-added services like Buy Online, Pickup In Store (BOPIS), curbside pickup, and same-day delivery.

Extended return policies are becoming increasingly important, especially for younger shoppers. Gartner advises CMOs to begin holiday planning in Q1 and launch execution in Q3 to adapt to changing consumer expectations.

Secondo un sondaggio di Gartner, il 32% dei consumatori prevede di iniziare lo shopping natalizio prima di novembre. Solo il 14% dei consumatori negli Stati Uniti intende aumentare la spesa rispetto all’anno precedente, mentre il 21% prevede di ridurla. Lo shopping online continua a essere molto popolare, con il 20% dei consumatori che prevede di aumentare i propri acquisti online a causa di preoccupazioni relative ai prezzi in negozio.

Il sondaggio rivela che il 60% dei consumatori ha almeno un preoccupazione riguardo allo shopping in negozio, comprese le tariffe più elevate (40%), problemi di disponibilità (28%) e preoccupazioni per la sicurezza (14%). Nonostante questo, il 57% dei consumatori prevede di utilizzare servizi a valore aggiunto come Acquista Online, Ritira In Negozio (BOPIS), ritiro in strada e consegna lo stesso giorno.

Le politiche di reso estese stanno diventando sempre più importanti, specialmente per i clienti più giovani. Gartner consiglia ai CMO di iniziare la pianificazione per le festività nel primo trimestre e avviare l’esecuzione nel terzo trimestre per adattarsi alle mutevoli aspettative dei consumatori.

De acuerdo con una encuesta de Gartner, el 32% de los consumidores planea comenzar las compras navideñas antes de noviembre. Solo el 14% de los consumidores en EE. UU. tiene la intención de aumentar el gasto año tras año, mientras que el 21% planea reducirlo. Las compras en línea siguen siendo populares, con un 20% de los consumidores que planean aumentar sus compras en línea debido a preocupaciones sobre los precios en tienda.

La encuesta revela que el 60% de los consumidores tiene al menos una preocupación sobre las compras en tienda, incluidas las tarifas más altas (40%), problemas de inventario (28%) y preocupaciones de seguridad (14%). A pesar de esto, el 57% de los consumidores planea utilizar servicios con valor añadido como Compra en Línea, Recoge en Tienda (BOPIS), recogida en acera y entrega el mismo día.

Las políticas de devolución extendidas están volviéndose cada vez más importantes, especialmente para los compradores más jóvenes. Gartner aconseja a los CMO comenzar la planificación navideña en el primer trimestre y lanzar la ejecución en el tercer trimestre para adaptarse a las cambiantes expectativas de los consumidores.

가트너 설문조사에 따르면, 32%의 소비자들이 11월 이전에 휴가 쇼핑을 시작할 계획이다. 미국의 소비자 중 단 14%만이 작년 대비 지출을 늘릴 계획이며, 21%는 지출을 줄일 예정이라고 한다. 온라인 쇼핑은 여전히 인기가 있으며, 20%의 소비자들이 매장 내 가격에 대한 우려로 인해 온라인 구매를 늘릴 계획이다.

설문조사에 따르면 60%의 소비자가 매장 쇼핑에 대한 최소한의 걱정을 가지고 있다고 하며, 여기에는 높은 가격(40%), 재고 문제(28%) 및 보안 우려(14%)가 포함된다. 그럼에도 불구하고 57%의 소비자는 온라인 구매 후 매장 픽업(BOPIS), 길가 픽업, 당일 배송과 같은 부가 가치 서비스를 이용할 계획이다.

연장된 반품 정책은 특히 젊은 쇼핑객들에게 점점 더 중요해지고 있다. 가트너는 CMO들에게 1분기에 휴가 계획을 시작하고 3분기에 실행을 시작하여 변화하는 소비자 기대에 적응할 것을 권장하고 있다.

Selon une enquête de Gartner, 32% des consommateurs prévoient de commencer leurs achats de fin d’année avant novembre. Seul 14% des consommateurs américains ont l’intention d’augmenter leurs dépenses d’une année sur l’autre, tandis que 21% prévoient de les réduire. Les achats en ligne restent populaires, avec 20% des consommateurs planifiant d’augmenter leurs achats en ligne en raison des inquiétudes concernant les prix en magasin.

L’enquête révèle que 60% des consommateurs ont au moins une préoccupation concernant les achats en magasin, y compris des prix plus élevés (40%), des problèmes de stock (28%) et des préoccupations en matière de sécurité (14%). Malgré cela, 57% des consommateurs prévoient d’utiliser des services à valeur ajoutée tels que Acheter en ligne, retirer en magasin (BOPIS), le retrait en bordure de chaussée et la livraison le jour même.

Les politiques de retour prolongées deviennent de plus en plus importantes, en particulier pour les jeunes acheteurs. Gartner conseille aux CMO de commencer la planification des fêtes au premier trimestre et de lancer l’exécution au troisième trimestre afin de s’adapter aux attentes changeantes des consommateurs.

Laut einer Gartner-Umfrage planen 32% der Verbraucher, vor November mit dem Feiertagseinkauf zu beginnen. Nur 14% der US-Verbraucher beabsichtigen, die Ausgaben im Jahresvergleich zu erhöhen, während 21% planen, sie zu reduzieren. Online-Shopping bleibt beliebt, wobei 20% der Verbraucher planen, ihre Online-Käufe aus Bedenken hinsichtlich der Preise im Geschäft zu erhöhen.

Die Umfrage zeigt, dass 60% der Verbraucher mindestens eine Sorge bezüglich des Einkaufs im Geschäft haben, darunter höhere Preise (40%), Bestandsprobleme (28%) und Sicherheitsbedenken (14%). Trotz dessen planen 57% der Verbraucher, Dienstleistungen mit zusätzlichem Wert wie Online Kaufen, Im Geschäft Abholen (BOPIS), Abholungen am Straßenrand und Same-Day-Lieferungen zu nutzen.

Erweiterte Rückgaberichtlinien werden zunehmend wichtiger, insbesondere für jüngere Käufer. Gartner rät CMOs, mit der Planung für die Feiertage im ersten Quartal zu beginnen und die Umsetzung im dritten Quartal zu starten, um sich an die sich ändernden Erwartungen der Verbraucher anzupassen.

  • Thirty-two percent of consumers will begin holiday shopping between July and October
  • Only 14% of U.S. consumers plan to spend more year-over-year, with 21% of consumers reducing their holiday spending
  • Consumers are concerned that in-store prices are not competitive with online prices, with 20% of consumers planning to increase their online shopping behavior this year

Thirty-two percent of consumers report that they plan to begin holiday shopping before November, according to a survey by Gartner, Inc. A survey of 327 consumers conducted in June 2024 revealed only 14% of U.S. consumers plan to spend more, year-over-year, with 64% of consumers planning to maintain their spend and 21% of consumers pulling back.

Figure 1. When Consumers Start Winter Holiday Shopping (Graphic: Business Wire)

“Over three-quarters of holiday shoppers continue to say that higher prices are what causes them to spend more for holiday gifts, not having increased discretionary spending,” said Kassi Socha, Director Analyst in the Gartner Marketing practice. “The effects of high inflation and supply chain issues in the post pandemic economy mean holiday shoppers are still on edge.”

A New Holiday Shopping Calendar

Brands continue to pull forward their holiday marketing and special promotions to late summer, and consumers have followed their lead: nearly a third of consumers are starting to shop for gifts before November (see Figure 1).

“Successful chief marketing officers (CMOs) should begin holiday planning in Q1 and revisit their long-standing promotional and holiday plans throughout the year, launching execution in Q3,” Socha said. “This strategy allows marketing teams to take into account timely consumer insights and market analysis and ensures the hypotheses they made earlier in the year will meet the expectations of their target consumers.”

Online Shopping Continues to Stay Hot As Shoppers Seek Bargains

Consumers stated they are concerned that in-store prices are not competitive with online prices, with 20% of consumers planning to increase their online shopping behavior this year.

A majority (60%) of consumers have at least one concern about shopping in-store this holiday season. After showing interest in returning to in-store shopping last year, shoppers now report a variety of reasons for their concern including higher prices (40%), inventory (28%), selection issues (18%) and security concerns (14%) all of which saw increases in the last year.

Consumers Expect to Return to Hybrid Shopping Behaviors This Holiday Season

This year, 57% of consumers plan to use one or more value-added services during the holiday period, such as Buy Online, Pickup In Store (BOPIS), curbside pickup, same-day delivery or expedited shipping.

“Marketers should promote value-added services to differentiate their offerings. Interest in services like BOPIS, and same-day delivery indicate that consumers prefer the convenience and money-saving aspects of in-store shopping over the experience itself,” said Socha.

Extended Holiday Return Policies

Extended return policies are a growing aspect of consumer preference as holiday shopping continues to shift earlier each year.

“Consumers want the ability to return gifts well outside of the traditional 30 – 60 day window of purchase,” said Socha. “This is particularly true for younger shoppers with over seven out of 10 reporting they would be at least a little persuaded to purchase if offered an extended holiday return policy.”

Gartner clients can read more in “2024 Holiday Marketing Guide for Retail.”

About Gartner for Marketers

Gartner for Marketers provides the objective, expert advice, and proven tools that CMOs and other marketing leaders need to seize the right opportunities with clarity and confidence, and to stay ahead of the trends that matter. With in-depth research and analysis, Gartner for Marketers helps you focus on the opportunities with the greatest potential to deliver results. More information on Gartner for Marketers is available online at Follow news and updates from the Gartner Marketing practice on X and LinkedIn using #GartnerMKTG. Members of the media can find additional information and insights in the Gartner Marketing Newsroom.

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Juliette Dixon


Elizabeth Bishop


Source: Gartner, Inc.


When do consumers plan to start their holiday shopping in 2024?

According to the Gartner survey, 32% of consumers plan to begin their holiday shopping before November, with some starting as early as July.

How many U.S. consumers plan to increase their holiday spending in 2024?

Only 14% of U.S. consumers plan to spend more on holiday shopping year-over-year, while 64% plan to maintain their spending and 21% intend to reduce it.

What percentage of consumers plan to increase their online shopping for the 2024 holiday season?

20% of consumers plan to increase their online shopping behavior this year, primarily due to concerns about in-store pricing competitiveness.

What are the main concerns consumers have about in-store shopping for the 2024 holiday season?

The main concerns about in-store shopping include higher prices (40%), inventory issues (28%), selection issues (18%), and security concerns (14%).

What percentage of consumers plan to use value-added services during the 2024 holiday season?

57% of consumers plan to use one or more value-added services such as Buy Online, Pickup In Store (BOPIS), curbside pickup, same-day delivery, or expedited shipping.

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