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Gen Z and millennials are choosing off-peak travel for better deals and fewer crowds



Gen Z and millennials are choosing off-peak travel for better deals and fewer crowds

Isn’t it frustrating when you spend a fortune from your savings to travel, only to find the destination overcrowded with tourists? Gen Z and Millennials have found a solution: travelling during less busy seasons for a better holiday experience. It also helps save money, as hotels and accommodations offer great deals and discounts during the off-season to attract customers.

New-age travellers prioritise value for money by travelling outside the peak season and consider unique once in a lifetime experiences during their trip(Shutterstock)

Moreover, as per Atlys, an online visa application platform which recently released new data that revealed travel behaviours of Gen Z and millennials. According to the report, 73% of these travelers prefer off-peak times to avoid crowds and reduce costs.

“Understanding the preferences of younger travellers is crucial as they drive major trends in the travel industry,” said Mohak Nahta, CEO and Founder of Atlys.

Observing a similar trend, Santosh Kumar, Country Manager for India, Sri Lanka, Maldives and Indonesia at said, “With 65% of India’s population under the age of 35 years, it is crucial to understand the travel sentiment of the Gen Z travellers as they redefine the way we experience the world.”

The platform has also observed that new-age travellers prioritise value for money by travelling outside the peak season and consider unique once in a lifetime experiences during their trip. Their report stated that when it comes to vacations and finances, 71% of Indian Gen Z travellers opt to travel during off-peak season to save money.

Youngsters also share that travelling at the time of the year when a not much tourists visit is a great budget-friendly option. Prateek Sharma, 28, an IT professional from New Delhi plans his annual trip to Goa in the month of August.

He says, “Goa in August is a little less expensive because it is off season and beaches are less crowded. Although the shacks are shut because some of the locations look so serene, and it is affordable!”

Another traveller, Kritika Vij, 22, a college student from Gurugram says, “Although it is very risky to travel to the hills in monsoon and off-season but the views are stunning, restaurants do not have a waiting queue and hotels are at half the price! So for me, as a student who gets a very limited pocket money, it’s the perfect time for a quick getaway with caution.”

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