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George Santos Has Committed an Unspeakable Fashion Crime



George Santos Has Committed an Unspeakable Fashion Crime

You know George Santos as New York’s former representative, expelled from Congress for accusations of fraud. He’s one of America’s most infamous (alleged) scammers, so perhaps it shouldn’t come as a surprise that a signature element of his uniform—a crewneck sweater with a collared shirt peeking out from underneath—is not entirely on the up and up.

“I’ve been using the sweater over the collared shirt, which, by the way, the dress shirt is fake,” Santos said in a radio interview with Cindy Adams over the weekend, which we here at Esquire listened to so you don’t have to. (A hat tip to Michael Gold of The New York Times for flagging the admission on Twitter.)

“It’s a T-shirt with a collar and cuff links,” Santos continued. (He also added that “there’s a bunch of those bozos in Washington now that use the same look,” so kudos to him for being a trendsetter, I guess.)

Tom Williams//Getty Images

George Santos wears what may or may not be a T-shirt with a collar and sleeves stitched on.

Santos said the faux-layering look is “more comfortable and breathable,” which, I can agree, is important when selecting your office fit. But it’s also, dare I say … lazy and ugly? It’s the same vibe as those horrible “dress sneakers” that perch wing-tip-ish leather uppers atop bulbous rubber soles. Or even worse—jeggings. Who are we trying to fool here?

Men, let this be a cautionary tale to you. Lying gets you nowhere—if anything, it gets you kicked out of Congress, and not even with the dignity of wearing a real shirt under your sweater.

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