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Get a preview and free workout of our exciting new collab with Fiit



Get a preview and free workout of our exciting new collab with Fiit

Tell us: what do you have planned for 2025? Smashing a new PB? Moving up the career ladder? Finally sorting out your sock drawer?

Here at Men’s Health, we’ve got some exciting plans too, starting with making our Men’s Health SQUAD membership even better. To do this, we’ve got a new collaboration with Fiit on the cards, set to launch next month, as well as a brand new January challenge.

So, we’re giving our members a taste of what’s to come with access to one of Fiit’s brilliant workout videos today – a 10 minute Upper Body Strength Session by coach Gus Vaz Tostes that’s designed to work your chest, shoulders, back and arms to the max for a killer pump.


To try Gus’s strength session, visit the video section of the Men’s Health app or click the link below to find it.


Not a member? Join the Men’s Health SQUAD today for a chance of entering, as well as getting all the other perks of membership such as exclusive training plans, fitness advice, workout videos and rewards including discounts, competitions and members-only events.


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