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Govenor Copper announces over 900 jobs will come to ENCcounty with Vietnamese company



PITT COUNTY, N.C. (WITN) – A toast to the largest number of jobs announced at one facility this year in North Carolina.

A Vietnamese company, Boviet Solar, will bring 908 jobs to Pitt County and invest more than $294 million in the new plant.

“Not only do we need to do this to protect our environment, but it will also be a tremendous economic boom for the people of our state,” said Govenor Roy Cooper.

According to the CEO of Boviet Solar, they looked at more than 60 different locations across nine states but settled on Pitt County.

“Some of our clients are actually here, and they recommended that we be here. Secondly, the environment is very friendly, and the business philosophy definitely meets our business philosophy,” said Jimmy Xie, Boviet Solar’s CEO.

He also said they want to start the process immediately, moving into the old Denso manufacturing plant right outside Greenville.

“We have pharmaceuticals, we have engineered fibers, we have boats. This will round out what we have in our economy and really speak to the assets that we have, such as the infrastructure, the utilities, workforce, training, and education assets,” said Pitt County’s Economic Development Director, Kelly Andrews.

These jobs will be hired through 2028 in many different fields, including production, equipment, finance, human resources, and administration.

WITN was also told today that the workers’ annual salary would exceed the county’s average salary of around 50 thousand dollars. Governor Cooper says this is the largest job announcement ever made at one time in Pitt County.

The company already has a sales office in San Jose, California, but this new Greenville location will be its first manufacturing site in the United States. The facility’s official opening is scheduled for early 2025.

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