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GreedFall 2: How To Fast Travel



GreedFall 2: How To Fast Travel

There are lots of areas to explore in GreedFall 2. From hidden camps and hideouts to large bustling towns, there are plenty of places to check out. Since the game is so large, there’s a fast travel feature that will help you travel from location to location instantly and easily. Traveling everywhere by foot can take some time. So, being able to fast travel from A to B will help players get things done considerably faster.

Fast traveling will also help players avoid unnecessary combat. Many enemies roam around the world, and players will want to save their resources for larger and more difficult fights.

How To Unlock Fast Travel Points in GreedFall 2

Similar to many other video games, players can’t just instantly travel to anywhere on the map. Each fast travel point will need to be unlocked by the player. Unlocking a fast travel point requires visiting a location on foot for the first time. After visiting a key location for the first time, you’ll unlock the ability to travel back and forth whenever you like.

Fast travel points come in all different shapes and sizes. Some are stone pillars that glow while you are near, while others are large wooden posts sticking out of the ground. This may sound a little confusing at first, but all stationary fast travel points have one thing in common: a map marker. If you look on your minimap, or on your actual map, similar to the first GreedFall game, you’ll see a globe symbol. The globe symbol represents fast-travel locations.

How To Fast Travel in GreedFall 2

A Map Showing The Fast Travel Icon In GreedFall 2

While you can fast-travel by interacting with a signpost, there’s a much easier way. You don’t need to be near a signpost to be able to fast travel. Players can travel almost at will. Simply open up the map and select any globe symbol, and you can instantly travel there. Also, for the most part, the speed at which you fast travel is almost instantaneous. So, you can get wherever you like in the blink of an eye.

Fast travel points also have another thing that players should take advantage of. If you look directly at a signpost, you’ll be given two options: fast travel and rest. Resting can help you and your party recover after a tough battle. Since signposts can be found in most of the key locations in the game, you’ll never be far away from a safe place to rest.

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