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Green Jobs on the Upswing — MARIST CIRCLE



Green Jobs on the Upswing — MARIST CIRCLE

Clean jobs in New York are on the rise. A recent report by E2 placed New York City at the top of the list for the number of people currently employed in “green jobs.”

A green job is a profession that contributes to a positive natural environment. It can be as simple as working for a solar energy company or as complicated as figuring out which chemicals can be used to draw the most power out of biofuel. 3.5 million Americans are employed in one of these jobs, a number which is only growing.

A large catalyst for this growth is the Inflation Reduction Act, a budget package enacted by the Biden administration in 2022. The IRA funnels billions of dollars into clean energy and climate investments, and those investments will provide more than nine million jobs in the next 10 years. 

A significant portion of the money is also going to communities affected by systemic environmental racism, to revitalize their infrastructure and avoid more accidents like those that affected — and continue to affect — the communities of Flint, Michigan, and Jackson, Missouri.

The IRA had a tumultuous rise to become law. It was initially proposed as part of President Joe Biden’s Build Back Better Plan, but when support for the plan fell through, the act was tabled and assumed dead. 

However, in July 2022, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and Senator Joe Manchin engaged in secret negotiations and agreed to a bill that would eventually make it to the floor, and from there, the president’s desk. While Democrats did have to give up some of their more far-reaching plans, it was still a significant win for the left. 

Now, it has affected the country’s economy for the better. As of 2024, clean energy jobs have increased by 14%, growing three times faster than the average U.S. employment rate. Furthermore, zero-emission vehicles have had double-digit growth for the third year in a row, and farmers have received subsidies and incentives to attempt to invest in smart agriculture. 

To combat the racism present in marginalized communities’ infrastructure, the act also enacts tax incentives for solar and wind facilities. The incentives will reduce the cost of maintaining such a program and allow cheaper power for everyone in the area. The program also includes funds to improve insulation and electrical systems.

The future of the sector does look bright. “Green jobs are expected to expand to nearly 24 million, comprising 14% of total U.S. jobs by 2030,” said David Alexandru Timis in a report from the World Economic Forum. “The largest job gains are expected to occur in electrical efficiency, power generation and the automotive sector. Combined with modernizing the grid, they make up 75% of the 13.3 million in new job gains expected.” 

These jobs are anticipated to replace the 2.7 million jobs in the oil and gas field that will be lost as the world moves away from fossil fuels as an energy source.

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