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Holiday Mathis horoscopes for June 25, 2024



Holiday Mathis horoscopes for June 25, 2024


Cosmic Cow Tipping

The lunar square to Taurus in Uranus suggests that just when you think you’ve paid enough, you’ll be asked to give a tad extra. It recalls practices such as coercive tipping in which you’re asked to tip based on a word — “Was the service fine, good, great?” — rather than a fair amount. Money exists in a social frame. Consider who is controlling the frame and whether it’s just.

ARIES (March 21-April 19). It is normal to have bad thoughts when bad things are going on, but sometimes the thoughts come without correlation to anything happening in the outside world. It’s important to recognize that just because you think something is true doesn’t mean it is.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20). It’s not something you readily recognize, but indeed, the people you admire have qualities like your own. You wouldn’t love them so much if it didn’t strike a deep chord in you. There’s gold to be mined here. Nurture these qualities.

GEMINI (May 21-June 21). If you’re being a flower, you will open as you lean into the light. If you’re being a model, you and the product will be illuminated in the glow of a spotlight. If you’re an actor, magician or artist, the shadows are your friend and playmate.

CANCER (June 22-July 22). You have big feelings. And though you don’t always love it when they wash over you, hopefully you can appreciate the glorious gift of this emotional wiring. You are the heart of a world that sorely needs one.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). When two good options stand far apart in your life, you’ll swing like a pendulum between the extremes. And if you don’t grab one or the other, you’ll end up in a solitary and motionless middle zone. It’s not a bad place to be either. At least it brings clarity.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). Usually, the line between enjoyment and gluttony is rather pronounced, but circumstances are different today, so the boundaries may seem invisible, or perhaps extremely visible and yet somehow not important.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). Though your designer’s eye is tuned to complexity and your dramatic eye is tuned to nuanced, you might have to tell that to your attention span, which is tuned to getting through the work as quickly as possible.

SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). You’re inclined to take the good with the bad. If you tend to see the bad more clearly or more often, don’t blame yourself. To weigh negativity with greater significance is a human bias you can overcome, and when you do, you evolve the human race.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). It may feel like you’re striving but still very far away from the goal, and that’s not a bad place to be. It puts a fire in your belly. It’s fuel for a spurt. A winning streak will put more within reach.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). You can’t help it. Your move, however small or insignificant it may seem, will set off a chain of events, domino style. Intention will matter. What you do in the name of love will send love down the entire line.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). It’s said that rejection is often protection, but it sure doesn’t feel like that in the moment you’re turned down. You’ve been on either side of this equation. Everything will work out in the end. Until then, you’ll be gracious in the way it plays out now.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). You’ll improve your rating, raise your score and enrich the value of your stock. Even so, anyone who only seems interested in you because of this number is suspect.

TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (June 25). A fortifying belief in yourself and the returning karma of all your goodwill combine to make a protective field around you. It keeps out anything that would distract from your purpose and creates an atmosphere of thriving on the inside. More highlights: You’ll experience a fun, romantic wonderland. Money comes easily to you. Professional changes favor you. Libra and Gemini adore you. Your lucky numbers are: 2, 10, 1, 24 and 15.

CELEBRITY PROFILES: In the book series “Flanimals,” Ricky Gervais explores the world-changing impact of creatures so ugly they are cute. Celebrating vulnerabilities and foibles are a specialty for Gervais, the mastermind behind “The Office,” “Extras,” “Derek” and more comic masterpieces. Cancer’s comedic sense is born of a need to protect themselves against harsh realities. Like a crab whose best defense is a hard shell, Cancer comedians deflect harm by turning it into a laugh.

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