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Hooked on Maine Outdoors reaches 30 years of Piscataquis County youth fishing events



DOVER-FOXCROFT, Maine (WABI) – Folks from Hooked on Maine Outdoors and Community Fitness got a chance to show Piscataquis Community fourth graders the ropes of fishing this week.

They headed to Kiwanis Pond in Dover-Foxcroft for more fun after Wednesday’s in-school instructions.

“I started it 30 years ago. Fishing at a place like this, just fishing, is beautiful for the kids. They’re off the street. They’re not smoking. They’re getting away from that dope. That’s my work,” said Rocco Palumbo, Hooked on Maine Outdoors founder.

The kids had a great time by the water.

“It’s been the greatest experience of my life. I’m going to come back here later in my life. I haven’t caught a single thing, (but I’m looking forward to catching my first one 900 percent),” said Ben McGonagle, fourth grader.

The students are getting a chance to see what fishing has to offer.

“It’s just awesome to have them outside and have the opportunity to learn to fish if they don’t already know how. They can just show off their fishing skills if they do know how. Living here in Piscataquis County, we spend a lot of time outdoors. It’s good for them to have this type of hobby, if they don’t already have it, just to be able to learn, get off their tablets, and get outside,” said Justina Dill, Piscataquis Community Elementary School teacher.

They learned unique skills on the field trip.

“If I ever had to be in a survival challenge, and I had to fish some dinner, this could really come in handy. The thing about being away from school is just so exciting, seeing somewhere new. I’ve only been out of the state like three times. I’ve always loved nature. In fact, I heard a few frogs earlier today,” said McGonagle.

The partnership continues to help local students have fun.

Palumbo said he gets to meet former young anglers all grown up and teaching their kids how to fish nowadays.

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