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How cleanliness can increase your restaurant’s bottom line in 5 critical areas



How cleanliness can increase your restaurant’s bottom line in 5 critical areas

When it comes to reviewing a restaurant, cleanliness is one of the most critical concerns for guests. Three out of four customers say they would not eat somewhere with any negative online reviews about cleanliness, and there’s data to support this. For each additional star in a restaurant’s review, revenue grows 5-9%, underscoring the importance of keeping the location spick and span — and not just the areas that customers see.  

To maximize revenue, restaurant industry businesses should consider a holistic, company-wide approach to advancing a higher level of cleanliness. Drawing from the Ecolab Science CertifiedTM program, this designation has two components.

The first is using science-based, labor-saving products, like multi-surface disinfectant cleaners, no-rinse alkaline floor cleaners, and non-corrosive, alkaline-free warewashing detergent. The second is deploying expert training and auditing to ensure every employee understands and implements these practices, from back-of-house to front-of-house. 

Establishments that implement cleaner, safer practices will see their bottom line boosted in these five ways.

1. Guests are more satisfied 

Guests are more satisfied

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Ecolab examined seven national food-service brands and compared their locations before and after they joined the Ecolab Science Certified program. They found that customers were overall more satisfied — and also vocal about those feelings – after implementing the program. Not only did negative cleanliness mentions in guest reviews drop by 24%, but ratings were also on average 4% higher than before. Because other factors stayed consistent, like the quality of the food and the staff, this data suggests the cleanliness itself drove the uptick. 

2. Your reputation stays as clean as your countertops 

Customers aren’t the only ones who come to your establishment with a critical lens. The Health Department is also on high alert when it comes to restaurant cleanliness and food safety standards, and their findings have the potential to be more detrimental to your brand than one or two bad Yelp reviews. In this area, the results were also encouraging for the seven brands participating. After implementing the ESC program, critical Health Department Intelligence mentions fell by 20%. Meanwhile, foot traffic increased by 8%, demonstrating the power of a reputation associated with cleanliness.


3. Employee turnover is reduced

It’s no secret that employee churn is a challenge in the restaurant industry, with turnover rates reaching as high as 80%. This constant cycle of finding, hiring, and training new staff can be costly for businesses that already operate with tight profit margins. However, after these seven businesses committed to the Ecolab Science Certified program, 72% of employees said this would “help them stay,” further boosting the bottom line. The program not only equips employees to succeed through accessible training, but it also shows them their health and safety are a priority to the business.

4. Your operations run more smoothly

You don’t have to sacrifice time to achieve a higher level of cleanliness. Effective, well-designed products can actually save you labor. Plus, when the entire staff is trained and re-trained, whether it’s on-site with experts or through bite-sized digital modules, they instinctively know how to best disinfect surfaces, sanitize sinks, and wash the dishes, making your establishment a lean, mean, cleaning machine.

5. Cleanliness becomes second nature — and a point of pride

Cleanliness becomes second nature — and a point of pride

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You don’t have to reinvent the wheel. The CDC, FDA, and local health departments all offer food industry guidelines for best practices. By adopting a program that seamlessly incorporates and teaches staff, you get to harness the power of expertise without having to do the research yourself. Then, you get to spread the word by displaying the Ecolab Science Certified seal, which communicates your commitment to a clean your customers and employees can count on.

For restaurant industry businesses, cleanliness is essential – it helps improve your online reviews, maintain a better relationship with the Health Department, increase foot traffic, and boost employee retention. Ensuring a higher level of cleanliness is a fundamental part of your operations and will ultimately help your business grow and lead to long-term success.

For more information on Ecolab Science Certified, visit

This post was created by Insider Studios with Ecolab.


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