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How Cutting Edge Sustainable Travel Technology Is Changing Tourism



How Cutting Edge Sustainable Travel Technology Is Changing Tourism

Exotic travel is the ultimate dream for many travelers, although planning a trip can be challenging and harsh on the destination’s community. Here’s how a travel influencer implements today’s cutting-edge travel technology to promote sustainable and ethical tourism.

What is Sustainable Travel Technology?

We are seeing several rapid advancements in travel technology going beyond the implementation of artificial intelligence (AI) to personalize itineraries and advanced search engines to discover the most relevant destinations.

Jeff Colhoun draws from his professional experience and challenges encountered as an accomplished travel photographer and filmmaker across the Arctic, Antarctic, Africa, Asia, South America, and Europe. His work has been featured in publications such as Barron’s, LA Times, and The Wall Street Journal.

He is also co-founder and managing editor of Jetsetter Guide, and is at the forefront of using technology to achieve sustainable immersive experiences while exceeding travelers’ expectations.

For instance, his film Darkhad Valley focuses on Mongolian park rangers protecting endangered species. He relied on a minimalist setup to visit isolated areas for this awareness-raising production.

“With technological advances like drones and virtual reality, travel media is more capable than ever of bringing the world closer to home, offering rich experiences without the environmental cost while also allowing consumers to better choose what they experience beforehand,” says Colhoun.

While video programs have been in use for several decades to introduce destinations to domestic and global travelers, the latest virtual reality and metaverse advances provide lifelike experiences that tourists crave to be more intentional about travel.

The amount of information available to individuals now is at its most significant inflection point since the advent of the internet to book travel online. A primary difference is the ease of interaction which removes more travel barriers than traditional videos and text-based travel guides.

Global Travel Statistics

Travel media has ample room for growth by incorporating the latest innovations to achieve responsible storytelling as global affluence inspires more people to travel.

Precisely, McKinsey forecasts travel demand to increase by 5.8% annually through 2032. That’s nearly double the estimated growth rate for the overall economy. As a result, travel companies are in an opportune position to utilize technology to interact with travelers differently than before.

Global tourism is a growing trend as citizens from various countries increasingly explore different corners of the world. Ibis World states that Asia Pacific is seeing the most growth, followed by the Middle East, Africa, and Latin America. Several countries exceeded pre-pandemic arrivals, and world travel finally returned to pre-2020 levels this year.

Additionally, more destinations are in consideration as travelers look beyond traditional vacation spots and may need more infrastructure to accommodate the influx in travel volume leading to overtourism. Upcoming technology allows hard-to-reach and underdeveloped communities to construct a tourism-friendly infrastructure that protects their local traditions and habitat.

A similar approach can also apply to perennial travel favorites such as Western Europe or Caribbean tropical beaches with well-developed infrastructure to welcome a steady stream of air and cruise passengers shifting from a 20th-century mindset to a 21st-century best practices promoting a sustainable future.

Sustainable travel technology can decrease overcrowding, present the destination in a new light for first-time and returning guests, and reduce greenhouse gasses and waste. Tension between local citizens and tourists can also dissipate.

Immersive Travel Experiences

Modern travelers have a stronger sense of adventure than previous generations to thoroughly engage with the destination and its local community.

“We’re entering an era where travelers demand authenticity,” says Colhoun. “Travel media must evolve to offer immersive experiences that connect people deeply with the destinations they explore.”

Travel media can accomplish this vision through the following:

  • Authentic stories
  • Cultural insights
  • Intimate connections

The practices help guests connect and embed with a destination for years to come beyond instant pleasure and beautiful yet run-of-the-mill imagery. Visual storytelling allows travelers to become better acquainted before and during the trip.

Instead of generic travel guides, guests can receive personalized, experience-based content stemming from real experiences with diverse cultures and environments for an ethical trip.

For instance, it can be easier to pinpoint activities and locations specializing in specific niches such as luxury travel, history, culinary, or nature exploring. The eyewitness accounts also restore integrity to content recently riddled with fake AI-generated reviews that can easily mislead aspiring travelers.

Virtual Travel Previews

Researching potential destinations is an essential step in the travel planning process. Being able to experience the local area firsthand before leaving home can provide for a more enjoyable trip and choose the ideal destination.

Difference-making modern technology includes:

  • Drones
  • 360-degree views
  • Virtual reality

Jeff Colhoun is an early adopter of technology and has been using drones for his travel endeavors since 2012. He believes high-touch travel previews are pivotal to helping travelers make informed choices and select eco-friendly options.

Further, individuals can explore off-the-beaten-path locations while protecting the local environment and minimizing large tourist crowds. This additional flexibility allows them to choose from locations aligning with their values and maximizing their impact.

In addition to exploring potential destinations, travelers can also use cutting-edge technology to preview hotel rooms and relive past experiences to satisfy their expectations.

Simultaneously, immersive previews won’t eliminate travel but make the storytelling process more efficient as travelers can prioritize their travel goals with a deeper initial connection. Upon arrival, they can more easily interact with the locals and partake in the customs, sites, and smells.

Sustainable Travel

Travel media can lead in expanding responsible travel practices to counter climate change and promote environmental conservation instead.

In addition to using immersive technology, travelers and storytellers should strategically partner with local tourism boards and travel brands. These long-term relationships go beyond the goal of profitability at the ongoing expense of communities.

Pursuable initiatives include:

  • Carbon offset programs: Fund projects to remove or reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Slow travel: Fewer scheduled activities but high-quality experiences with more time to enjoy and soak in the local culture. Discourages crowd density which can harm the local community long-term for near-term profits.
  • Regenerative tourism: Revitalize the environment, culture, and community of tourism-impact areas. This initiative is more aggressive than mere sustainability which may simply minimize the adverse effects the travel industry creates.
  • Wildlife conservation: Protect wild animals, plants, and habitats from harm or destruction.

“The future of travel media lies in responsible storytelling—capturing the beauty of the world while ensuring we don’t compromise the integrity of the places we visit,” Colhoun observes.

Darkhad Valley is a prime example as the filming setup relied upon drones, compact cameras, and solar power to avoid disrupting remote areas.

Another documentary, Operation International, showcases the like-named medical non-profit’s efforts to provide lifesaving surgeries in Africa’s Ivory Coast.

Today’s technology highlights a location’s charm and activities with expansive visual detail in ways that previous state-of-the-art travel videos and collaborations struggled to bring to life. It also makes generational stewardship more achievable.

Final Thoughts

By integrating the newest technology, travel providers can increase trip experiences and reduce the strain on local infrastructure and cultures. This innovative balance allows tourism to continue bringing much-needed revenue while promoting generational stewardship.

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