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How F1 mechanics are reaching peak fitness



How F1 mechanics are reaching peak fitness

Hazlett says his role has grown since he joined, and he now takes a more holistic view of how the crew look after themselves while they are on-track, and when they’re home, with an emphasis on sleep, fatigue, and nutrition.

As part of his morning routine, Hazlett checks in with each member of the team, asking how they are and reviewing the day’s schedule. Part of this involves asking what is being served for lunch that day and what snacks are available in the garage.

When he first arrived he says the garage fridges were full of chocolate and soft drinks, which he swiftly swapped for healthier options with a greater emphasis on electrolytes (even standing in the garage for 10 minutes confirms that yes, it is very hot in there. It’s difficult to imagine what a 13 or 14 hour shift is like in somewhere much hotter, like Singapore, which, because of the heat, Hazlett describes as “a disgusting place to work”).

The crew also now wear fitness trackers while they work, and while they’re at home so that Hazlett is able to discuss particular challenges they might be having, or see which foods help individual crew members get better sleep, recover, or acclimatise after travelling to their tenth time zone of the month.

“These guys are not employed to be athletic, but there is a very athletic component to certain parts of their job,” Hazlett explains. “It’s really difficult to get the balance right. We’re looking at the overarching side of human performance. I need them to be healthy, and I need them to have longevity in this.”

This might involve PowerPoint sessions about eating cycles and the sugar rollercoaster, but above all Hazlett says it’s important that the crew understand why he’s doing something, and why it’s important. “I’m saying ‘I want you to be healthier so that when you go back to family life it’s easier to adjust to things like jet lag, I’m not asking you to look like the cover of a men’s magazine,’” he says.

Crew members might bring their bicycle with them, with one member joking they have the most interesting Strava in the world: all F1 tracks. Others are into CrossFitt and Hazlett always makes an effort to find the nearest Box so they can all go train together in the morning. After work, there’s usually a team run around the race track too.

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