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How lucky? Your Chinese horoscopes for the Metal Horse month of June 2024



How lucky? Your Chinese horoscopes for the Metal Horse month of June 2024

Energy of the horse: movement, leadership, charm, sensitivity

The horse corresponds to the hours: 11am-1pm

The fifth month of the Chinese calendar of the geng wu is represented by the Metal Horse.

This month is all about movement and action. Do as you wish to attain success! Be proactive rather than reactive. The horse represents our lung ta – our vital energy that can be lifted by motion and personal power. The more active you can be in June, the better luck and opportunities you gain.

Lyle Hewitson riding Helene Warrior in Happy Valley, Hong Kong. Photo: Kenneth Chan.

The essence of the horse – fire – is one of action and impulsive courage, and of a faithful nature with the ability to be decisive, holding its own council even when cornered by others’ remarks or finding themselves in difficult situations. Sociable and competitive, they will enjoy being part of any team.

Fanatics and revolutionary Horses are happy when they are surrounded by like-minded people, and with their forthright speaking, they have no problem finding followers of their cause. Unlikely to be dissuaded from any cause, at times their opinions may be judged as prejudiced. Cerebral thinking and intellectual, Horse individuals may enjoy the stimulation of mental challenges and social activities that include puzzle solving – quizzes, bridge and more.

How horse-like are you?

Those born in the Horse Year may dominate, yet will be faithful and respectful in their relationships, but if betrayed can be quite unforgiving.

Those born during the Horse Month (June) love the arts. You are graceful and sensitive.

Those born on a Horse Day are gregarious, complex and sociable.

Those born in the Horse Hours (11am – 1pm) dislike claustrophobic situations and prefer to work outdoors or in big corporations. In their younger years, they may play truant from school, yearning to be outdoors and resenting routine and structure.

Joe Biden, pictured speaking at the White House in Washington DC, on June 4, is a famous Horse sign. Photo: AP Photo

Ideal career choices for Horses involve interaction with people, such as sports/health coach, dog trainer, sales or insurance professional, or dancer/performer.

Famous horses include Joe Biden, Clint Eastwood, Mike Tyson, Barbra Streisand, Isaac Newton, Paul McCartney, Chopin, Kobe Bryant and Theodore Roosevelt.

What does June hold for your astrological sign?

These generic forecasts carry different nuances depending on whether this animal rules your year, month, day or hour.

√ Lucky

∞ Neutral

X Not so lucky

The Horse is the astrological friend to the Goat, Tiger and Dog. Challenges occur with those born in Rat years.

X Rat – prioritise your health

Rat years are 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996 and 2008

It’s your astrological clash month of 2024. In an unpredictable month when health should be your priority, make sure you seek medical attention if you feel any discomfort that causes concern. Procrastination will only exacerbate any condition. Looking after health helps ease personal pressure and attracts helpful people into your life in a timely fashion.

Ox – a lucky month

Ox years are 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997 and 2009
A super lucky month, when your chart forms a harmonious combination of energy so allow the feng shui winds to steer you to finding the luck you deserve. A great month to network and negotiate terms to your advantage. Protect your personal data!

√ Tiger – seize your opportunities

Tiger years are 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998 and 2010

Similar to the Ox, with good luck and opportunities for overseas work in the form of some kind of exchange training, perhaps. Grab any and all opportunities as this will help your upwards trajectory. Maintain close family ties as, amid your busy schedule, you may be called upon for support. Don’t lose sight of your key priorities.

Rabbit – a month for decluttering

Rabbit years are 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999 and 2011
Time for some clutter clearing and some furniture moving to revitalise the chi energy of your home. You may be looking for some new premises either for professional or personal reasons. If so, this is a good month to make the move, but don’t get talked into making any rushed decisions.

∞ Dragon – avoid aggressive salespeople

Dragon years are 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000 and 2012
You may be on a fitness drive or feel like developing a new exercise regime, joining a gym. If so, be mindful of some smooth-talking individuals who may be looking at number for a quick commission. Be careful of getting signed up for over and above what you actually need, which could have hidden costs.

Snake – be time-sensitive

Snake years are 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001 and 2013
You continue to be on a roll of luck-enhancing fame and recognition, but be aware that things could move too fast, leaving you unprepared this month to handle all your tasks. Time-sensitive events could unfold before you have had chance to plan, so aim to get ahead of the game to maximise your energy and luck.

Horse – it’s your month!

Horse years are 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002 and 2014

It’s your astrological month! Keep on track and do what you do best to maintain good support and harness sound recognition to come out the winner this month. You have the respect of many who will want you to be on their winning team.

Sheep – beware of food poisoning

Sheep years are 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003 and 2015

This could be your luckiest month of the year, promising satisfaction in all aspects of your life with everything eventually coming together as you had planned. Obstacles seem to disappear with the help from those who have had your back. If you are travelling, be aware of food poisoning, as the only negative of the month could be stomach discomfort.

X Monkey – don’t invest

Monkey years are 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004 and 2016

Not a good month to be too trusting, as you risk potential loss and betrayals. Although the loss aspect may be small, it may leave you disappointed with someone who you thought you knew better. Don’t leave anything to chance this month; don’t be tempted to invest no matter how good the yields promised may be.

X Rooster – watch your mood swings

Rooster years are 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005 and 2017

Beware of mood swings and feeling irritable as the energy entering your chart may be marred by misunderstandings. Don’t challenge others, as you will not come out the winner this month. Lie low, roosters, and deny everything.

Dog – watch your cash

Dog years are 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006 and 2018
Cash may be low this month, so be careful not to overcommit yourself if a friend becomes pushy about taking a trip that could have hidden costs. Best to keep expectations of yourself and others to a minimum. In terms of work, you may be seeing light at the end of the tunnel, which strengthens your health as prolonged restlessness can affect your immune system when things have been slow gaining traction. Avoid quarrelling over tedious matters.

Pig – don’t make high-risk investments

Pig years are 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007 and 2019

Unexpected financial gains could be headed your way, but don’t be too bullish, avoiding any high-risk investments. You appear capable and efficient affording your abilities to be recognised. A friend may suggest a break – if so, go and enjoy a well-earned rest!

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